This week

Sunday, February 28, 2010
I had down connection of my internet line for some days n nw im bak!!! weee~ I cant reli rmb wat i want to blog for past few days already, da oli thing i can rmb was i got wet in da rain twice in a week. Mb its bcuz of da joy ytd brought me, it made all those bad luck run away.=)

N i earn twice da money tis week thanks to my aunt.=) Nw i wanna buy buy buy!!!! Shopoholic fever is getting worse n worse...I wanna change my spec, buy contacts lens, slippers, short pants, dresses, handbag....da point is by using my own money! Im a perfect earn-n-spend maniac, dun wanna spend more of my mum's cash. Bt it wont be too long for me to realise tat my money is flowing fast....self control self control chyng. Ang pau lui is another case of course, most of them are destined to get into da bank, house rules. Bt its a good thing for me i guess.XD

N again, happi birthday ying~=)


Happy Birthday ying~♥

happy birthday ying~~=)
tis is da onli photo i hav haha.
yoga+ hi-tea + sing k
everyting is juz great!
hope u luv it ying
n our cupcakes also hehe...
i really hope tis pic wud nvr ever change,
nt without u two dears in my life.
luv u gals.=)
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Staying home is driving me NUTSSSS...



Saturday, February 20, 2010
I hav nth to do!!! AAAAAaaaa!!! U kept complaining i only noe hw to sleep eat n sit in front of pc...cant u c? U're da reason im being lyk tis? I dont noe y bt im freaking in a bad mood nw...sigh. R u even aware tat im goin to be 18? Great. Im sure i ll hav a very SPECIAL 18.


3 times 2

Friday, February 19, 2010
I wanna write tis down since its still fresh in my thoughts.=)

I consider this as my first time goin for a hang out wif my boyfren's frens, which i already knew them. Dinner wif dylan n his gal was okay.=) She called me 'dai sou' cuz fred is her bro. Which den make us lyk a family cuz evry1 is some hw linked haha. V're nt tat 'masak' yet bt i hav a feeling v can b gud frens.=) Bt da ting is i felt lyk im so nt gud n socialling man haiz...izit bcuz v're half cooked? or juz bcuz u guys speak in english+cantonese? Both i guess. Lucky dylan can talk alot in every avaible moment even if u're nt talkin to him...which is a gud thing of course haha minus da awkwardness in me.=) Bt overall i stil cant respond muz be me it muz be me. How can u b so useless chyng?? Talk man talk!!!!! damn it...

Its gud tat v ate dinner all da way til da movie started so theres no nid to walk around n around...which tortures my mind to tink hw to fit in in their topic. Okay den its movie time, along wif yz n his gal. 3 couples...okay@@. Another unatural talk, sigh. Wats wrong wif me? Aww i feel jealous actually to c their relationship, both of them. They seem more mature in every way of love...the way they talk to each other da way they touch...y cant i b lyk tat? It made me feel lyk im a little gal dating. Or mayb in fact its true. All 4 of them r approved to go on dates bt me??? Evryting is a lie. LIE LIE LIE! Im tired to keep on doin this lying my parents all da time...cudnt hold ur hands when v're together worried tat some1 might catch me...Wat kind of relationship is tis? They made me so so so so envy...n worse jealous of wat they can b. Natural.

Evryting here is juz half of my feelings...another half is express-less. Cuz it might hurt both of us... Thankiew for da day my dear.=)
Im a 'ku bao'...i admit. Jiayew chyng, improve ur weakness. N, be strong.=)


Yeah its facebook n oh my god i love it so very much!=) I juz finished clicking tru all my photos...aww all those memories...i miss u guys so so much!!! damn it! It seem so pointless nw to look at my own photos duh...besides looking at hw i change day by day (obviously more red red spots on my face), nth is interesting! Bt all those photos with my frens family or hu so ever...oh my its precious. Memories keep running n running in my mind. Its sad to noe v wudnt reli hav a chance to b lyk tat anymore...wearin skul uniforms, laughing our tears out, talking seem so so far away nw...lyk an impossible to acheive. Yeah i noe, v can hang out sometimes catching up on each other, bt it juz seem DIFFERENT u noe...its nt da usual us! Gosh im sad. I sure hope i cud take out my brain n project all my memories out if its possible. Now i noe hw adults use to say they rather study than work. Its nt all about da pressure v hav to face, its way more den tat...da bond between frens, da innocence of frenship, da love v care for our frens. All of these are likely hard to get when u dont c each other almost evryday like bfor. Ppl tend to say as long u hav a strong heart for ur frens nth will change bla bla blah...crap. As v grow, u, as a fren might nt b da number ONE in ones heart anymore...da boyfren girlfren thingy eventually rules. Nt in every case, i correct. Bt its a fact tat im stil learnin to take n accept...cuz nt being da one suckss. Even i myself tink i sucks. Things are nt as before nw. Its a step in life tat i shud move on with...
Oh my oh my dun sad chyng, always be grateful for wat u have now.=) (comfort myself pulak, im getting gud at this hahaha...every time i did this remind me of u=)) Nth will be da same bt glad for da invention of hp n pc!!!!=D Im darn missing u guys!!!!!!! Come on u curfews break break BREAK!!!! (breath........fuh!=D)

Hapieee Chinese New Year!!!

Friday, February 12, 2010
Im goin bak to Fraser's Hill later for 4 days n another 3 days at ipoh.=) No more bloggie for this few days ya...May this TIGERRRRY year bless all my frens n family with health n prosperity!! WEOW!!! (tiger punya sound XD)

Thankiew so much my dear...for bringing me ur jacket.=) Its more than enuf to warm my heart in the chilling moments.=) Love you.


Y ♥ G A

Friday, February 5, 2010

*Me n ling in yoga studio*

Excited excited excited hahahahah. First is tat i could finally learn yoga since v talk about this few weeks ago...n 2nd is i finally meet u u sapo!!!XD I cant believe v nvr met each other since last day of spm! Bt didnt feel strange at all to c u again was long time bt it didnt felt tat way.=) U didnt change much, stil my typical lingo~=) *HUGSSSS*

Okay yoga...i feel lyk im making earthquake out of myself haha. Im shaking lyk hell man hahaha. No doubt its wasnt easy at all. U muz hav full determination to continue evry step n of course endure da pain!!! ouch ouch ouch n nt to mention its vy vy sour too. DETERMINATION...fuh fuh~ breath in...breath out.=) Oh n breathing...or shud i say yoga breathing, my god its so nt easy to follow! If u dont do it da right way u ll get giddy haha.

Overall, i like it.=) Cuz i sweat alot hahaha. Yeah its tough, bt its gud for my health too.=) Oh n my teacher...shes amazing!=) With a stiff body lyk me...i tink i ll nid a decade to reach to her level hahaha. Dun giv up chyngling!!! jiayew jiayew =)

*yoga sapo zimmi* XD


(my body is paining nw hahaha)

Cutetus ♥

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
looks familiar? XD

Yup its our heart shape cactus hahaha...
U can rujuk a photo at da left hand side of my blog.=)

Aww it grew 2 new shoots~~~
how cute!!!! XD

Talk about perfect position!! hahaha.
Bt it some hw looks abit lyk turtle~XD

I specially lyk da young fresh green colour.=)

Grow well my cutie...

N thankiew my dear, for taking gud care of it.=)


Pppprawn ♥

Notice anyting EXTRA?? hahaha...Wat a satisfaction.=) Bt da thing tat made it so special was cuz da prawnss were peeled together by me n my dad haha. Peeled fresh!!!=) Well u're nt goin to believe bt my dad use to sell fish in the market when he was vy vy young. ( He gt lots of history) So he knew vy well bout these little sea creatures...n da prawns r said to be vy sweet for char kue teow haha. I get to learn some techniques to peel prawn nicely n i keep praying tat da prawn wudnt move a single muscle!!! since its so fresh haha. If it does i dun tink i ll even touch it eeew. Bt da joy of peeling prawns was all about doin it together wif my was actually fun.=) Its lyk a family activity hahahaha. N thankiew to u o char kue teow uncle for frying them for us.=) *Thumbs up!!*=)


(opps someting is very wrong wif my blogging time!! Now its actually 12.47pm wo...hmm? macam mana tukar?)

xxx Therapy

Monday, February 1, 2010
I duno wat its called some sort of chinese medicine therapy my mum said. Bt in chinese v call it 'tie da', da one u would wish to c when u twist ur muscle or bone or something. Yes tat. My dad eventually was one of da needy for it...haiz. He sort of hurt his waist muscle during badmintons n he cant bend his body or move too much since den. I almost couldnt resist my tears to c u suffer lyk tat...Bt im so so grateful i insisted to company u to da tie da clinic dad, else i wud really regret. It reli doesnt feel nice to c old folks coming here without their child being along with them. I was lyk gosh hw cud i let my parents come here alone? Its lyk a sin if u dun even noe ur parents twist their ankle or shoulder or watever...Even by imagining it i felt lyk someone soaked my heart into concentrated lime juice. I noe u r grateful too dad.=)

Being here, in tis clinic, its lyk a place of sorrow for me. Da sick pity patients, da smell of medicine n da sour atmosphere...everyting is so nt right, it made me feel so so sad even if im nt part of it. Those are all da reasons i ll nvr wish to b a doctor, im sure i ll be having gloomy day evryday to c my patients suffer in front of me...wat a selfish thought tisk tisk i admit. Ppl dreamed to be a doctor to save more ppl to cure more diseases to bring joy to those who fall. But me? I cant do it, its totally a different perspective in my view. Wonder if tat had anyting to do with pessimism. So im very very thankful for all those doctors out ther n those who dreamed to b a doctor...i salute u with my deepest honour.

N thank you tat my dad already felt better today. He was suppose to c da doc again today bt oh my i cant believe how gud business a tie da clinic wud d. Its crowded man wat a long q. Since its da 4th day being here...n with my dad typical level of patience, he ditched. I wonder y so many ppl twist their leg or arm or muscle or someting?@@ God bless u all. N im sure u'll feel all better bfor cny dad...dun wori.=) Love u.=)
