Friday, February 19, 2010
Yeah its facebook n oh my god i love it so very much!=) I juz finished clicking tru all my photos...aww all those memories...i miss u guys so so much!!! damn it! It seem so pointless nw to look at my own photos duh...besides looking at hw i change day by day (obviously more red red spots on my face), nth is interesting! Bt all those photos with my frens family or hu so ever...oh my its precious. Memories keep running n running in my mind. Its sad to noe v wudnt reli hav a chance to b lyk tat anymore...wearin skul uniforms, laughing our tears out, talking crap...it seem so so far away nw...lyk an impossible to acheive. Yeah i noe, v can hang out sometimes catching up on each other, bt it juz seem DIFFERENT u noe...its nt da usual us! Gosh im sad. I sure hope i cud take out my brain n project all my memories out if its possible. Now i noe hw adults use to say they rather study than work. Its nt all about da pressure v hav to face, its way more den tat...da bond between frens, da innocence of frenship, da love v care for our frens. All of these are likely hard to get when u dont c each other almost evryday like bfor. Ppl tend to say as long u hav a strong heart for ur frens nth will change bla bla blah...crap. As v grow, u, as a fren might nt b da number ONE in ones heart anymore...da boyfren girlfren thingy eventually rules. Nt in every case, i correct. Bt its a fact tat im stil learnin to take n accept...cuz nt being da one suckss. Even i myself tink i sucks. Things are nt as before nw. Its a step in life tat i shud move on with...
Oh my oh my dun sad chyng, always be grateful for wat u have now.=) (comfort myself pulak, im getting gud at this hahaha...every time i did this remind me of u=)) Nth will be da same bt please...be glad for da invention of hp n pc!!!!=D Im darn missing u guys!!!!!!! Come on u curfews break break BREAK!!!! (breath........fuh!=D)


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