xxx Therapy

Monday, February 1, 2010
I duno wat its called some sort of chinese medicine therapy my mum said. Bt in chinese v call it 'tie da', da one u would wish to c when u twist ur muscle or bone or something. Yes tat. My dad eventually was one of da needy for it...haiz. He sort of hurt his waist muscle during badmintons n he cant bend his body or move too much since den. I almost couldnt resist my tears to c u suffer lyk tat...Bt im so so grateful i insisted to company u to da tie da clinic dad, else i wud really regret. It reli doesnt feel nice to c old folks coming here without their child being along with them. I was lyk gosh hw cud i let my parents come here alone? Its lyk a sin if u dun even noe ur parents twist their ankle or shoulder or watever...Even by imagining it i felt lyk someone soaked my heart into concentrated lime juice. I noe u r grateful too dad.=)

Being here, in tis clinic, its lyk a place of sorrow for me. Da sick pity patients, da smell of medicine n da sour atmosphere...everyting is so nt right, it made me feel so so sad even if im nt part of it. Those are all da reasons i ll nvr wish to b a doctor, im sure i ll be having gloomy day evryday to c my patients suffer in front of me...wat a selfish thought tisk tisk i admit. Ppl dreamed to be a doctor to save more ppl to cure more diseases to bring joy to those who fall. But me? I cant do it, its totally a different perspective in my view. Wonder if tat had anyting to do with pessimism. So im very very thankful for all those doctors out ther n those who dreamed to b a doctor...i salute u with my deepest honour.

N thank you tat my dad already felt better today. He was suppose to c da doc again today bt oh my i cant believe how gud business a tie da clinic wud d. Its crowded man wat a long q. Since its da 4th day being here...n with my dad typical level of patience, he ditched. I wonder y so many ppl twist their leg or arm or muscle or someting?@@ God bless u all. N im sure u'll feel all better bfor cny dad...dun wori.=) Love u.=)



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