
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Its public holiday n i thought its suppose to be family day. No plans for friends. Bt somehow im sitting alone at home now, tats was unexpected. Well what my parents do seems to be most busy during weekends and holidays. Brother went shopping with frens. hmm.

Im recently kinda stuck with love. Something i left behind for some time already. N im not ready to pick it up again, its lyk i forgot how love is. How does love feels lyk again? I love hanging out with u, bt I just dont wanna hurt you my dear. U are a good guy and ought to find some one that really really loves you. God bless ya.

whats love
20/1 12:23


Thursday, January 13, 2011
Little things can warm my heart from the inside out. Thanks for being there for me my dear friends. Love ya.

All i cn say is, i hav to save money from now on.

money saver
13/1 16:08


Wednesday, January 12, 2011
'To do what is right, or to do what you like?'

I did something HUGE yesterday. N im not gonna regret.

12/1 17:27

Bubbly Joy

Monday, January 10, 2011

Joy that i found from my daily hand washing routine. :) BBuubbly love haha!

Self Portrait

Its been such a time since i took photos of myself. :D I guess its due to my realisation and da fact that my face gone plump:( what happen to my diet plan again? Wheres ur will chyng?? Hav shame on me tsk tsk.

Still, i wanna regain my self confidence!! ROARRR! xD Here's some random shots.:)

Gosh. So much for diet plan. Hmm I know i know, my formal tops looks like pyjamas. Haha.

If you've been wondering y im active on line now its cuz they installed wifi to all hostel blocks!:D Rockxx!! Only thing is my room is out from da coverage haha. Hav to move to frens room or taman or study room or tv room. Mayb its a good thing, else i wouldnt b studying as much hah!

*Thank you Lord for blessing my exams so far. Amen:)

10/1 21:42

Family Christmas-eD

Sunday, January 9, 2011

My big family. Small but warm.:) Miss u guys alot so just wanna post this up (not an excuse for not studying for tmr's exam xD) Yesterday was my grandpa's birthday n i wasnt there for this one time.;( Hapi Birthday AhGong! HUGSS.

Family is my EVERYTHING.



9/1 20:03


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Wonderful ei? Fly season is over and now its moth season. Lots of moths are flying around here n there and we spotted this gorgeous babe=) Even moth can be colourful and attractive.
Life can be too. Dont u freaking touch ma guitar man. U electric shock me haha. N u made ma guitar looks awesomely good looking ;D not u, its da guitar haha. Okay i admit, i love staring people playing guitar, da whole package of course.;) It consumes me.
Though its kinda hard, wanna constantly reminding myself that life is colourful n cheerful...
8/1 22:35

Ah Chyng Daily

Thursday, January 6, 2011
Im goin to hav midterm exam nex week. Lots n lots of quiz n pra fill up my air! I have to study hard! No more last minutes again chyng!!

N im coming bak nex friday for a one week holiday;)



The other day when diana(my roommie) was hanging on her phone with her high skul best buds, it just brought so much emotions to me. Da sincere laughter da sisterly made me so so envy. N most of all da clearly seen warm bonding between them, even when they are separated by 2 phones, its all i crave for.

They hang on for more than 1 hour...and thats how long my heart shivers and shreds in coldness of loneliness, apartness. Its been so long since i felt da warmness of sisterhood... And i miss it so desperately. Its been some time already where my soul stands alone by itself, bracing herself in times of need without helping hands. Maybe thats da reason why i dont talk as much now, da used of being silent by myself. Its lyk i have sharing impairment.

If i could hav one wish, i wish i could be da me that i loved. for one more time.

6/1 09:40


First of all fresh and hot out from the oven, i got Band 4 for my muet.

I am i mean i was satisfied n happy for what i got. And i thought it was a wonderful blessing from God. It is it is ;) Called my mum she was fine with it though at first she guessed i got Band5 which sort of shake my satisfaction but well its ok;) Love you mom.
So news spread, facebook sms everything. And people start asking me weather i wanna resit muet and they comfort me not to be down n such. And i was lyk, mmm?? Is Band 4 that bad? So i start asking myself and eventually lost my joy for Band4. Morover lots of my frens got Band5 too. It did took some time for me to adjust back my mood, im fine now. Praise u Lord.;)

Well, its time to improve ma english skill m i right? Thats what examinations are for, to test and reveal how much u've got n seek space for improvement. U go girl.;)

never give up.;)
6/1 09:03

2nd chance?

Sunday, January 2, 2011
Ended my previous blog improperly paiseh.;)

Brother broke my capo last week after his first touch. Sad case ei? How am i suppose to play some of ma songs? That was last week. Yesterday, i had a new one already. Awwwww can u dont freaking make me feel touched? Yea he bought a new one for me...(AWWW) Luckily i prepared christmas present for him else i would feel kinda bad to accept it. Anyway thankyou so so much, reli appreciate ur thoughts.

What would u do if someone that chases u, hes a smoker? As a fren i did try to advice...rasional human would understand how bad is it for their health. Yea so few months before he did promise that he'll try to change. I know it wouldnt be so simple but theres hope in me to see da change in u. Somehow its just so sad when sometimes u meet up u can juz smell it out yet u dont wanna ask straight forward: u smoked? Im grateful that u're honest to me my friend, i know its not easy to stop smoking. Berusaha kay? Dont give up.
