
Thursday, January 6, 2011
First of all fresh and hot out from the oven, i got Band 4 for my muet.

I am i mean i was satisfied n happy for what i got. And i thought it was a wonderful blessing from God. It is it is ;) Called my mum she was fine with it though at first she guessed i got Band5 which sort of shake my satisfaction but well its ok;) Love you mom.
So news spread, facebook sms everything. And people start asking me weather i wanna resit muet and they comfort me not to be down n such. And i was lyk, mmm?? Is Band 4 that bad? So i start asking myself and eventually lost my joy for Band4. Morover lots of my frens got Band5 too. It did took some time for me to adjust back my mood, im fine now. Praise u Lord.;)

Well, its time to improve ma english skill m i right? Thats what examinations are for, to test and reveal how much u've got n seek space for improvement. U go girl.;)

never give up.;)
6/1 09:03


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