Self Portrait

Monday, January 10, 2011
Its been such a time since i took photos of myself. :D I guess its due to my realisation and da fact that my face gone plump:( what happen to my diet plan again? Wheres ur will chyng?? Hav shame on me tsk tsk.

Still, i wanna regain my self confidence!! ROARRR! xD Here's some random shots.:)

Gosh. So much for diet plan. Hmm I know i know, my formal tops looks like pyjamas. Haha.

If you've been wondering y im active on line now its cuz they installed wifi to all hostel blocks!:D Rockxx!! Only thing is my room is out from da coverage haha. Hav to move to frens room or taman or study room or tv room. Mayb its a good thing, else i wouldnt b studying as much hah!

*Thank you Lord for blessing my exams so far. Amen:)

10/1 21:42


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