Workin 2*

Sunday, January 24, 2010
Well im nt jobless now haha. I already had a new job...So cool!XD Quit after my first day of work n went interview for another job da nex day haha. Thanks to my mum.=) She manage to sense da pain in me n introduce me for another job. I love u so so much mum!!! muakks~=) This time, its way more better.=)

My working place is kinda far though, i hav to take KTM n nex LRT to reach ther...Im nt sure how much it cost me cuz im using a Touch-n-Go card hahahah so syok~XD Bt most probably less den rm5.=) Im nt alone dun worry.=) I went with my bro's fren hes working ther also...a nice fren n a long-story-to-talk-about fren haha. Bt i ll hold tat on first.=) I cant belive i manage to take a sunrise photo when i was rushing to kepong central. I wont let myself go if i lose tis chance haha. It was so wonderful it freshen me up...=)

Taking train made me realise tat malaysian arent tat awful after all.=) They q to get on da train,they stand at a left hand side of escalators to allow ppl pass tru. Awww...the taste of civilisation!!!!=) Well taking train also made me feel so...independent! My safety my fate, its all depends very much on me now. (I brought pepper spray with me!XD) God bless for my safety truout da journey.=) Lrt n much less crowded den ktm, n much more efficient.=) I love standing in da first box of lrt, thers a window or windshield at the end for me to look da view straight from inside n i enjoy it alot.=)

My office? Its awesome haha. Spacious, bright n professional as i wish. =) N da chairs n wall boards were in my favourite colour match! Well nt pink n green exactly haha they were in red n green.=) Fresh colour n definately my taste.=) Da thing i love da most was its BIG BIG wall-size window at the end of da office. Since its on da 5th floor i can c da whole city from ther, hw nice!!=) Its juz nice to look at when ur eyes r tired of looking at computer screen.=) I've been ther for 3days now...Mr Yap is a gud boss, at least he talks to me n greet me with a smile.=) N he gave us a raise hohoho.XD Hes too thoughtful knowing tat v went ther far from kepong. Bt da expenses here are truly high, even da cheapest lunch meal was rm5.9, excluding drinks...O.o Nvm, i only work here for 2 days in a week anyway!=)

The feel of responsibility is definately way different then i felt before. Managing a school society n completing a company's task is so a 2 different thing. Though my task wasnt tat hard, bt ther r pressure in me keep on reminding nt no make a single mistake. Even when im listening the procedure or an order my brain pay double more da attention on it. Its a big company for god sake! Im very clear tat im doin this for da company n i wont want my boss to lost some sort of file bcuz of me. I guess tats how it feels...working.=)

N lunch. Ppl tat noe me well noes hw i react towards white rice which wouldnt hav gravy or watever sauce on it. I'LL NVR TOUCH IT, it disgust me...yeah im a antiwhite-rice brat. Bt how unbelievable, i finished my plate of rice if i order one, even if it doesnt hav enuf gravy on it!! Cuz wat came into my mind was...its my hard-earn money u brat!!! I guess working makes u mature as well hahaha.=)

Thers one thing i hate about office job. Sitting. I was lyk oh my god how cud ppl survive lyk tis everyday?? Sit during work den sit during lunch n then bak to office n sit again. It made me feel so...FAT!! Well though mb its da same being at home haha bt da feeling of fatness is more obvious in da office. Sit sit sit is lyk fat fat fat. Time for diet mayb?XD

Days ended wif taking Lrt all by myself to a station wher my mum would pick me up. Im nt a little girl anymore...i hav to take gud care of myself now, learing to b a grownup for everystep i take in this outside world. Politics at work, suspicious stangers, socialising...everything muz take into account too. Grow up chyng!!!!!=)



My master piece of da day.=)
One layer of cake as base
One layer of sliced peach
One layer of custrad
N one layer of strawberry jelly.

*special ingredient: fun n love*=)

Presentation: Satisfied
Taste: Nice=)
Overall: GREAT!!!XD

Special thanks to sifu mummy muakks~=)


Workin 1*

Saturday, January 23, 2010
As i mentioned, excited? yeah rite.== It was a damn damn damn bad work day!!! Da office looks more lyk a factory to me, wat an unprofessional working venue. I was given a smal tour around da factory to meet my other colleagues, bt i nvr rmb any of their names i was concentrating on smiling n nodding haha. Firstly, no cute boys at all!! Well tats nt reli a big point bt most of them r aunty n uncle. They dun seem to be very friendly especially da boss. He nvr even talk to me da whole day!! Wat kind of boss r u?? Oh nono theres too much tat i hate about.

First my chair, i've been repeating to adjust da height of it hunderd over times cuz it keep slide down...its nt lyk im heavy or wat its juz a cheap chair!!! N my pc, damn it evry1 else is using flat screen monitor how cum mine is da ancient boxie type?? Cheap. Den break, our working hour is 9.5hrs n they juz allow 45 min lunch break?? Freak. Though v all sat together for lunch bt non of them even talk to me instead they were busy talking bout things tat i ll nvr understand. Fine mb im nt gud at socialling with aunties. Maniac. Tat was da worse part i perhaps, no1 to talk with. I juz hate being so lonely. N lastly my job, i feel lyk im a robot doin da same thing over n over again. Oh my god its brainless n BORING.

So wat did i decide to do to settle so much problems? Its simple. I quit.=) yay!=) I ll pretend it was a day of charity work haha. N i contribute half a trash can of tissue for da company. I gt a very bad flu tat day n they dun even hav a proper tissue!! Wat i got was rough toilet rolls, pity my nose how could they...


Ppl say one of da reason for unemployment phenomena is because da choosy habit of ppl, especially youngsters. Im one of them i guess haha. I tink its reli important to choose a right career for our future. Wats da meaning of working if u hate tat job so very much? Hmm maybe unless u r facing some desperate situation...As for me, a spm graduate, its nt time to get working pressure yet, so i'll juz enjoy, do wat ever tat will make me happy.=) N having tis job is definately nt part of my hapiness.


gloomy WAS

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Cold n hot at da same time? Headache n popping out eye balls, sore throat n flu? This cant b any worse...Well im strong!!! Get away u freaking virusesss or watever they cal u! Im goin to feel just fine, i hope.=) Bless me god. Tomorrow will b my first day of work, excited haha. Just praying ther will be hot guys as my colleague hahaha. Okay friendly friends would be da main thing hehe.


Its nice to hav a soulmate to talk with, who can understand wat u say n wat u wan to say. Da funny thing was v were actually thinking da same thing n its just a matter of who spit it out first.=) N nw v even share da same fate! Which is nt a good one, sick.XD Should i say im actually afraid to start a relation in my young age, nt knowing how da future will be? Its terrifying when wat u expect in ur future eventually didnt turn up as u wish. A man with successful career? Loving n accept by ur big family? God noes. Its abit too much for me to tink at this age. But faith, yeah tats another very important point.=) N i really agree for wat u said the other day. "I wont let my boyfren step one foot into my house to meet my parents once he havent own a succesful career n could sit down in my house wif a suitcase n a name card." Plus nt to mention look smart of course, wow huh haha. Cruel yet serious. Hmm=) Yeah v talk all da way during driving licence class haha. Bt for now, appreciate everything u hav without any regrets.=) U n me, this relation, i treasure it.=)


I hope u can feel evry pain n hope in me my dear... Its hard for me to tell, especially when da little joy comes when i meet u in my eyes. Its true, v do hav more space for improvement. N i ll be ther.=) I hav faith in u, will u be pleased to giv it to me?=) God bless us.

(im sweating lyk hell now, force myself with no fans haha. Tats a gud sign i guess.=))

555 days

Sunday, January 17, 2010
Juz a day tat i wanted to blog down.
Its our 555 days being together my dear.=)

I love you.



Friday, January 15, 2010
Before tat, juz wanna express how syok i m now hahaha. Online in my room oh yea oh yea oh yea.XD Thanks to some circumstances which bring my home a wireless streamyx thingy, yay!!Besides having radio as my company, having privacy feels just great!=) Da only thing is...its nt my laptop aww too bad. I will hav one i hope, save money chyng SAVE MONEY!! By then i tink i ll lose self control n get freakin addict to it haha. Bt for nw, day dreaming will b juz fine to keep me happy haha.

Water. Okay i noe im famous for having drink-less-water habit. But these 2 days really suffer man. My home water taste so damn weird its lyk thers chlorine in it. I dun even feel lyk drinking it at all just to hav a smell of it. Eeeew! My tongue feels weird also after being forced by my neurones to drink it. So dun blame me for nt drinking enough water for this few day hahahah. Wat a gud excuse.XD Though i feel kinda sorry to break my promises on drinking more water. Naughty me. I do feel thirsty now, bt no way im goin to drink tat shitty water. Hope my mum ll figure da prob out asap. For once i hope thers water beside me now hahaha.

Anyway its a happy day for me, played pool oh yea haha its fun.=) Had some chats with my bestest best frens also, aww hw i miss them alot. Thanks for da brilliant invention of webcam haha. Goin to meet another best fren tmr oh yea oh yea haha. Good luck for our 5hr undang class tmr ya!=)

happy chyng*

♥ Murad

Thursday, January 14, 2010
I will love u Dr. Murad, make me proud.=)

Bt i love u more mum. We r not rich, n my skin is nt a very big thing. I wonder if its a shame for me to accept ur sacrifice. I noe u love me so much n cares for me alot, bt this is abit too much for me. Looking at u knowing how exhausting u r to b a housewife n having a work life tears my heart. Sorry if i did anything tat hurt u mum, i really really love u. I always give u a simple thank you for evrything bt i really mean it deep down my heart. Well maybe thousands n millions of thanks is nt enough to express my apprecition for ur sacrifices. I will study hard mum, I promise. N i'll do more chores for u hehe.=)

I dun hav da guts to say it out loud, bt here, I LOVE YOU MUM!!!!=)


Family ♥

Sunday, January 10, 2010
Yay i back!!=) Went ipoh for 1day n langkawi for 3 days with my family. Its been such a long time since v had a family trip like this, its nt a luxurios one bt its enough for me.=) 4 of us being together, eat together, sleep together, play 'cho di' together haha, tats wat all matters to me.=) At least for these few days v had less argument bt more chit-chats n laughters.=) AHHH im hapi!!!!=) Not to mention v had a great bay view from our hotel room too.=)

Theres few things tat i would lyk to highlight=) :

My first 5% alcoholic drink> KAMPAI!!! Its damn nice man taste lyk apple hehe. Doesnt taste lyk those yucky beer at all.=) Well i finished one bottle of this tingy n ended up having headache n flaming hot face hahaha. Im so nt a beer-type girl haha, tats a lesson.XD N dont misunderstand im an obedient girl i can only drink alcohol with my parents around.=) Plus its duty free tats y haha.

Secondly, i firmly declare tat i hav acrophobia!! Fear of heights haha. Cant u see theres nth below da bridge to support it n its few hundred meters in mid air??! It freak me out more when da bridge moves mildly when i step my foot on it, or should i say oh my da bridge is shaking!! My dad said i walk lyk Donald duck across da bridge haha. Bt i cant control my leg from shaking. Well im nt tat bad to miss da scenery tat Langkawi cable car brought me up to, its wonderful.=)
Thirdly i bought lots n lots of choc muahahaaha. Evil laugh of chocolate maniac.XD Im sure i got this from my dad, both of us r chocoholic at home haha. Too bad for my diet plan though.XD

N theres one thing tat satisfied me in every way. A sky full of stars.=) Its a heaven for me to noe how precious they r to look at. Living in KL definately wont bring me tis joy. How nice could it be if u were ther to share this moment with me.=) Romanticnya.XD ***i miss u baby.

Bak to family haha. Thanks for every thing mum n dad, love u guys.=)



Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Im part of da family u noe????????????????????????????
n u r nt even helping, n now im here all by myself.
dun betray me u tears, its nt worth it.



Saw these phrases on a mail my mum sent me, it inspires me n i want myself to always remember it by posting it here.=) Hopefully some of my friends could c this too.=)

Never explain urself to anyone.
Because the person who likes you doesnt need it,
n the person who dislikes u wont believe it.

When v wake up in the morning, v hav 2 simple choices.
Go back to sleep n dream or wake up n chase those dreams.
Choice is yours...

We make them cry who care for us.
We cry for those who never care us.
N we care for those who will never cry for us.
This is da truth of life, its strange bt true.
Once u realise it, its never too late to change.=)

Inspiring ei?=) I personally agree with them.


Dont let negative control u

Monday, January 4, 2010
Aaaah finally im bak. 11 days on top of da hill is simply chilling. Theres too much to talk about! No way i can finish it here. N im nt goin to, feel vy bad now.

i juz want a heart to heart talk with u, a warm n cheerful talk, can i? Its paining but wat can i do?

I tink im horrible n terrible n mean. I dont even noe y i felt lyk tat. Come on chyng u could be better than tat. Please oh please get away from me u bad thoughts!!! Im sorry...
