Workin 2*

Sunday, January 24, 2010
Well im nt jobless now haha. I already had a new job...So cool!XD Quit after my first day of work n went interview for another job da nex day haha. Thanks to my mum.=) She manage to sense da pain in me n introduce me for another job. I love u so so much mum!!! muakks~=) This time, its way more better.=)

My working place is kinda far though, i hav to take KTM n nex LRT to reach ther...Im nt sure how much it cost me cuz im using a Touch-n-Go card hahahah so syok~XD Bt most probably less den rm5.=) Im nt alone dun worry.=) I went with my bro's fren hes working ther also...a nice fren n a long-story-to-talk-about fren haha. Bt i ll hold tat on first.=) I cant belive i manage to take a sunrise photo when i was rushing to kepong central. I wont let myself go if i lose tis chance haha. It was so wonderful it freshen me up...=)

Taking train made me realise tat malaysian arent tat awful after all.=) They q to get on da train,they stand at a left hand side of escalators to allow ppl pass tru. Awww...the taste of civilisation!!!!=) Well taking train also made me feel so...independent! My safety my fate, its all depends very much on me now. (I brought pepper spray with me!XD) God bless for my safety truout da journey.=) Lrt n much less crowded den ktm, n much more efficient.=) I love standing in da first box of lrt, thers a window or windshield at the end for me to look da view straight from inside n i enjoy it alot.=)

My office? Its awesome haha. Spacious, bright n professional as i wish. =) N da chairs n wall boards were in my favourite colour match! Well nt pink n green exactly haha they were in red n green.=) Fresh colour n definately my taste.=) Da thing i love da most was its BIG BIG wall-size window at the end of da office. Since its on da 5th floor i can c da whole city from ther, hw nice!!=) Its juz nice to look at when ur eyes r tired of looking at computer screen.=) I've been ther for 3days now...Mr Yap is a gud boss, at least he talks to me n greet me with a smile.=) N he gave us a raise hohoho.XD Hes too thoughtful knowing tat v went ther far from kepong. Bt da expenses here are truly high, even da cheapest lunch meal was rm5.9, excluding drinks...O.o Nvm, i only work here for 2 days in a week anyway!=)

The feel of responsibility is definately way different then i felt before. Managing a school society n completing a company's task is so a 2 different thing. Though my task wasnt tat hard, bt ther r pressure in me keep on reminding nt no make a single mistake. Even when im listening the procedure or an order my brain pay double more da attention on it. Its a big company for god sake! Im very clear tat im doin this for da company n i wont want my boss to lost some sort of file bcuz of me. I guess tats how it feels...working.=)

N lunch. Ppl tat noe me well noes hw i react towards white rice which wouldnt hav gravy or watever sauce on it. I'LL NVR TOUCH IT, it disgust me...yeah im a antiwhite-rice brat. Bt how unbelievable, i finished my plate of rice if i order one, even if it doesnt hav enuf gravy on it!! Cuz wat came into my mind was...its my hard-earn money u brat!!! I guess working makes u mature as well hahaha.=)

Thers one thing i hate about office job. Sitting. I was lyk oh my god how cud ppl survive lyk tis everyday?? Sit during work den sit during lunch n then bak to office n sit again. It made me feel so...FAT!! Well though mb its da same being at home haha bt da feeling of fatness is more obvious in da office. Sit sit sit is lyk fat fat fat. Time for diet mayb?XD

Days ended wif taking Lrt all by myself to a station wher my mum would pick me up. Im nt a little girl anymore...i hav to take gud care of myself now, learing to b a grownup for everystep i take in this outside world. Politics at work, suspicious stangers, socialising...everything muz take into account too. Grow up chyng!!!!!=)



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