
Thursday, February 24, 2011
It rained this morning, which is kinda rare. Something sad happened last night. :( its about my close frens n i dont want them to leave sad footsteps in my entry. Bless them Lord, i forgive them.

Oh ya, my previous entry didnt mention anything about valentines day haha. I didnt even thought of it when i was typing cause i cant feel anything on that day. Its a sin for muslims to celebrate valentines day, so yeah...its a clear blue sky without a sense of valentine. Its kinda saddening u know haha. But okay fine its okay :) except for da part where i kinda miss my valentines...

Hmm da camp! It was wonderful man. Though i was da only chinese, everyone else treated me very well, superbly friendly that is. (Some may because i hav this erm scandal with him n his frens are so interested to meet me haha.) In feels better than hanging out with some of da chinese. M i being half-malay? haha. Okay da main point is, we climbed BUKIT LARUT aaaaa!!! It is stil exciting to tell. 8+km and 3.5 hours of climbing, yeah v did reach our destination but its not yet da peak. Only a small gang of strong men manage to took themselves 4 more kilometres till da peak. Salute man! My legs was like oh crap OUCH??? Then v took another 3 hours to climb down after resting for one hour plus...n u guessed so, more OUCHES!! Pain legs sore knees hurting feet n exhausted wholesomely, yet its awesome!!! Cant really believe that we actually manage to climb 1036m above sea level with such strong will.:)

Throughout da camp da muslims prayed like usual even when da environment wasnt as wished. I salute their strong hold in their religion. It taught me alot. And i respect them. Somehow, i like to watch da way boys prayed, call me weirdo haha. Da worst part about da camp was da times of meal they eat per day. I was lyk when are you goin to feel bloated?? They eat 4 meals a day n i feel lyk all my burnt calories gained back again haha. Overally, thumbs up for me!!! :D

OH, mums gonna visit me this weekend!!! Yay yay yay hehe cant wait to meet her :)

Lastly, i wanna remind myself: FORGIVE AND FORGET. Thats da only way that god will ever forgive us for da wrongs that we have done, that is to forgive wrongs that others have done to us.

miss forgiveness
09:07 24/2

Happy 3rd Anniversary ing ing men. Love you.


yin yin said...

Awwww~~ my chyng is so awesome!!!! congrates for climbing up the Bukit Larut successfully and yea, heard of it oso i feel tired and painful d.. Hahaha..good job my babe!! ^^

Happy belated 3rd anniversary my dear <3..U gotta update me frequently so tat i noe u r doin fine.. heart you

Chyng said...

enen ;) miss u ying!:)

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