
Thursday, December 30, 2010
I hav lots of stuff to share but but i cant remember outdated stuff so well haha. Just read ah ying d blog aww so sweet.=)

Hmm ok let me see. Lets start with my aiya. He went to hk last week...well thats not much of a point, da point is hes going to moscow nex year! MOSCOW. RUSSIA. RUSSIA???? First was house shifting and school transfer to far far away subang, and now RUSSIA? Its lyk far out of space...T.T Sitting on da bus back to campus, i cried. Even now typing da fact that hes gonna leave makes me feel blue. After 13th of december 2007, i waited til we could drive. He could now and things are great that we could meet up. I wonder what m i supose to wait now? For him to be a pilot? Nuts. 6 years man. There will be summer breaks i noe, but it wudnt be da same. When we had our last text bfor u fly off to hk, i cant bear to imagine if it was our last text before u fly to moscow. Message will be sent n thats it. No more. AWWWW! Im going to miss u like shit. This is just me being selfish. Ok lets end it here first. I wanna congratulate u aiya to hav da chance to study in moscow. I believe in da bond of our friendship, everlasting=) Pigu u ah fly so far, i dont care ah after im done with matric we are so gonna meet up more often!;D

Next story.XD Last few days a close friend of mine confess to me. Chinese of courseXD But it is seriously seriously out of expectation cause we were only good friends all this while and i nvr pick up any sense that im different, since his circle of friendship is so marvelously great. On second thought, we aint how i consider close either. Good thing is hes a sporting guy n we can hang out lyk how we used to, no blush no malu malu.=)



yin yin said...

weeeeeeeeeeee~~~~~~~~~ chyng chyng wan pak to jor =p

Chyng said...

paktor ur head ah ying haha~~ 2011 jor la, itme to bring ur bf let me meet xD

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