My type of heaven ;D

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I love PINK DAY!!! ;3 Wat a cute n effective promotion man.=) Its rm7.50 for 2 scoops by the way. Its stil expensive...true, bt worth it juz to eat once in a while. =) Hav something to cheer u up u noe hehe, it works on me ;3

simple satisfaction=)


ice cream maniac ;3


I guess its too late for me to change my mind nw, a change from east to west. N i've miss lots of opportunities already...precious opportunities. Should i hold on? Or should i follow my sudden instinct? Yet im nt sure if i can do it. I kept on questioning my capability, trying my best to convince that i ll do well bt some hw something in me doesnt always agree. Hmm i wonder hw ppl boost up their confidence with such ease...

Im lack of self confidence.

31/3 23:01


Sunday, March 28, 2010
Ehhhh theres nth particular to write! Lack of blogging just doesnt feel right haha. Nvm let it be a way to update my close fren hw m i recently, n i perfectly fine.=) In fact i can describe this week as, Teenage Week.XD

22, Went to visit my cousin sis in da hospital, wif my bro, she got some sort of food poisoning n its kinda serious. I nvr felt even a little of boringness to sat beside her for 5 hrs, seeing her nt feeling well juz breaks my heart...shes lyk my darling little sister. Bt gladly shes all fine nw.=)

23, Another first day of work! Basically da strongest reason for me to continue this job was because of my dear jun.;3 Her coll was juz opposite my office! Talk about fate man haha.;D So v took ktm n lrt together n of course chat all da way. Besides da major f**kin delay of Malaysia's ktm, it was juz great to c her always again.;3

24, Ate lunch with my dear.=) It was suppose to b a happy meet bt v end up with an argument after tat, sigh. I guess its my fault for being so harsh. Stil, our arguments nvr last long, thanks to my phone... I juz cant stand long leaving problems the way they are.

25, Rainy evenin. Mummy treat me ramen for dinner after work, its a reward for my spm result.=) Ichiban ramen. Well i cant say its very nice, cuz i reli dun get da taste haha. Any hw thankiew so much mummy.;3

26, Fate again!!!;3 Fate brought me to lunch with lian.=) If it wasnt for da coincidence i wud juz skip my lunch since theres no fud at home. Good good hehe. Aww walking to tmn daya made all those memories dashed over my mind.=) Thanks for da lunch n walk lian=)
Then its driving lesson time in the evening. I sucks at da naik bukit man, keep mati enjin no matter where n hit da little poles during parking. Ish, bad driving. Worse of all, i juz blindly memorise steps for parking without understanding hw exactly it works. Shame on me. I'll work hard to figure hw da car's butt move with da steering nex time.;3
And then at night went yum cha with some murnians to farewell 2 little ns boy. My first time yum cha with frens!;D I actually felt unsafe n worry to go out at 9pm its lyk so late man...u noe im those typical curfew-tied girl. Bt after meeting my frens everything juz went well. N i didnt get home late either.=) Thanks to driver haoyu.=) Good luck in ns ya ah ye n ah hao! hehe.

27, Sporting day haha. Yoga in da morning n followed by bowling in the afternoon.=) V met suyi at yoga hw sweet! Went to her house for changing n i seriously love ur house suyi~~~~~~~ Its....gigantic! N spacious! I love da hole in da middle of ur house da most.=) Its normal for me to b envy at my frens for wat they hav...n sometimes even sad. Bt i do always tell myself to juz appreciate watever i had, at least i hav a home.=) Bowling was fun n HEAVY hahaha. Cuci longkang is normal for me okay i nvr play it since 'n' years ago.XD Stil its fun to juz hang out with frens.=) After tat da boys went badminton n i juz wanna say i love them- sportsmen.=)

Tats all! Please dun get it wrong, i stil cant go out often with frens awww. All those lunch n yum cha n yoga n bowling, nvr pass tru my dad haha. Its juz perfect timing.=) *naughty me XD* Still, i love my week! ;D

chyng ;3
28/3 21:02

Chyng's Foodie Plan ;3

Sunday, March 21, 2010
Something its nt right about tat pic, bt i cant say wat izit. I actually look lyk tat?

Since so loong i've been using my set of facial product bt theres no obvious improvement! Sad sad im goin to do something about it: control my diet.=) Hmm, i hav to come out a *chyng's foodie plan* hehe...lets start with 2 weeks first.=) (its nt a gam fui diet dun wori hahah)

Foodie plan rules:
> no fried stuff - kfc, french fries, potato chips, nudget
> no spicy stuff - my lovely tomyam, har mee, curry, chilli
> no peanuts

Aww...T.T well, good luck to me;( I stil can eat choc rite? Any other things that i cant eat to treat my blemish prob? Thanks for da advice hehe.;3 Jiayew jiayew;3


Too far?

Saturday, March 20, 2010
Went to mum's fren's baby's full moon day today. Aww shes juz so so so cute!!!;3 N there comes some other frens bringing their babies along. N i tink kids they r catching da spotlight alot haha. I wonder...hw wud it b if its my turn? Seeing my frens bringing their husband or wife along n together with their babies...oh my@@ Tats hard to imagine. Its lyk, so...OLD! I dunna wanna grow up so fast man...or maybe no babies rite my dear?XD Bt i do hope my good frens around will hav their baby for me to play with hahaha.

Oh my, stop, im thinking too far. ;3

chyng ;3
20/3 21:03


Friday, March 19, 2010
Finally finally oh finally....i've decided!=) Marketing, yup tats wat im goin take.:3 I feel lyk i've lost weight in my big head. Thankiew so much for advices here n there...especially my jun, my dear n my mum. I love u guys.=) Its reli great i finally get to tell wat exactly i was thinking n u understand exactly wat i meant. Its fast, straight forward n sincere. Talk about soulmate.=) N im glad even after 3months our bond stil maintains very very well. *hugs* N thank god for giving me frens tat concern much about me.;3 (fuh~ wat a thankful day=)) I appreciate all of it alot alot n alot.;3

Well since i've set my target, im sure im goin to do my best. Bt theres one thing to be very worry about: not to get scholarship. N bye bye i come form6, sigh. For nw, pray hard n hope hard.=)

Its always great to get first news from ur good frens about their life, sharing is always a happy thing.=) N so, being outdated actually made me felt a little twinge of sadness in my heart... We cant talk everyday like we used to, n im nt even sure wat we've talk everyday is everything. So i cant expect even more for times like this. U do noe its hard chyng. Its sad n sometimes stupid when theres only output n no input. Wat bout rather no output? Well in some certain case of course. What i can do is just hope, im a child full with hope!=) Oh for my dear frens who r goin to enroll very very soon for their first day of college, i wish u guys best of luck!!!;D Everything will b just fine dont worry. New frens, new environment, new beggining! Good luck n take good care of urself ya.=) Aww hw i hope it was me tats goin to hav a new envy u noe, so appreciate it.;3

20/3 01:33
Thursday, March 18, 2010
70km/h, i tink tats my max for today.=) Bt driving with so many cars around u is still kinda scary...n i got hon by some other car at da traffic light. Opps sorry cant u c im a L-er? N this time, im driving a car for REAL. Thanks sifu=)

Frens around me...i guess most of them r goin to hav their college life very soon. N me? Sigh. I hav to wait for news on scholarships tat i applied. As long as theres no news...i'll be goin form6, sigh. Im starting to feel tat im selfish nw, i dun lyk it when affordable families apply for scholarships. It made me feel so so terrible, life is so nt fair. I reli think i deserve to hav one, tat is y im so so desperate nw. Im putting hope on them n wat if...wat if i cant get? Theres 2000+ ppl with straight As u noe...wat m i expecting? Still, i noe, i noe its nt right to feel selfish...everyone has an even chance. Im sick to think any further...

About overseas...i've cried for it once already. N for that one time, i've firmly decided nt to go oversea for studies... I was looking at my mum thay day, she accidently sit on a wet chair when i was queueing up to order dinner with my dad. She look so lost, i can say like a kid, cause her pants was wet all over... Shes gettin old. (Oh god im already crying jz to hav a think of it...) If i were there none of that would happen...can u understand hw did i felt? It was so so heartbroken to see my own mum being lyk tat, tears struggled so hard nt to show themselves. Whos goin to take care my mum when im gone? My dad n bro?Hah! I'll nvr trust them on taking care of my mum. They cant b depend on. N in fact, i tink my dad is da reason for my mum to b lyk this. He doesnt hav sense of love. I cant leave u mum, i reli reli cant. I'll regret for life nt to spend every i hav in my life to b with u. Mum, i love you.....

Gosh i nid u nw my dear...

18/3 16:24


Wednesday, March 17, 2010
I had a cat fight with my bro juz because of a piece of choc. N its a piece of choc tat ying gave me! Hw dare him... I noe theres no name on it n what a shame, i only realise tat its my choc after he had a bite! Worst is i actually forgot to eat it, hw blind m i to miss it after opening da frige for over hundred times? Anyhw i still want tat bite back!!! Arh...At least i get to eat half of ur choc ying wahahaha... My bro said he cant believe i begged him lyk a baby for da choc in his hand. Shish u dont noe wat is a "fren's gift".=)

Tmr will be yoga class again. I did so badly on monday, sigh. It was so awful i cn call it 'awfulga' instead of yoga. I felt lyk im goin to faint tru out da class man. Aduiii. Izit my breathing or izit my one hour earlier dinner? I admit i did ate my dinner rather late. Hopefully tmr will be better, at least normal will do. N up til nw i stil cant get my breathing right, its hardd. When will i get to be a dinosaur?

N tmr will also be my 2nd day of driving lesson. No particular feelings for tmr. Im juz lazy to wake up so early....aaaaAAA too bad for my beauty sleep. Oh n anyway, im officially a stray cat nw, jobless. Yay! :D (bt booo for my $$$, i havent change my specs!:( ) At least i havent gt da feeling of growing mushrooms staying at home yet, theres too much to think about, sigh. Bless me god...

18/3 00:13


Tuesday, March 16, 2010
U noe y i ll never want to step in da same world as u? Cuz i dun wan to be ur freaking dog. I hate you. U jz dont noe hw irritating n disgusting u r aint u? U sucks to da max! N i reli pity her for u, pity her to hav u. Im cursing u so wat? No1 understand ur f**king attitude den i do. For da sake of my hapiness, i dun care if u r succesful den me. I hate u i hate u i hate u!!! Arghhh...f**k u making my life miserable!

chyng, pissed.
16/3 12:15


Monday, March 15, 2010
Im starting to hate everyone around me...


This post was suppose to end lyk above. Yes i do feel hatred at that being alone n getting grumble from my dad juz add flares to my mood. N there i was sitting alone in da 'kopitiam' stirring n stirring my teh. I guess i look weird lyk i juz broke up or sumthing. N its too noisy, too much ppl in one space.

Gladly, its my lucky day. An old fren of mine coincidently hav his off day today. I knew i could count on him to brighten my day.=) He showed up after half an hr n v chat lyk v've nvr seen each other for decades. Hes my only boy friend tat i could talk so long with, mb because hes da one who did most of da talking.:3 N it hadnt change for 4yrs. V talk bout his future his dreams my evrything n v juz talk n laugh n talk. He always mention that hes glad his mum gave him his mouth out of everything, n i agree.=) I juz love talking with him. N theres one topic tat no matter hw many times v've repeated for 4yrs, v nvr get bored of it n in fact it made me laugh da most. Our memories are juz too precious.:3

2 hours of chit chat is more den enuf to make my moody mood vanish.=) Thanks dude.:D

15/3 18:12

Too much

I've been enjoying myself for 3 months already? School holidays juz started n i din realise a thing. I guess my life is far away from da word school nw, at least tats wat i hope. Theres juz tooooo much to think recently. Some times it drives me crazy, making depression n tears my loyal fellas. I hate them, i reli do. Well good thing is i actually found some ways to temporary freeze my brain: eat, music. Bt i also found tat im gud at hiding now.....letting ppl noe wats wrong with me, its juz nt right. Im tired to tell, im tired to wait, im juz so tired! arghhh...

I seriously nid some sleep plus with sweet dreams...
n i seriously miss u...


Old times...

Saturday, March 13, 2010
*photo of Us bfor v r 'us'*

Oh my god...well i wanted to post a photo of us cuz i miss u lyk crazy, bt i dun tink tats da point nw hahaha. Oh my dear look at you!!! U r so so so skinny! Which means...u got fat so much! XD U noe wat...i seriously prefer da old u in term of size hahaha. Y dear y~~~~ Too much love nourishment? hahaha. Sek do la har time to gam fui.XD N i...i look so...budak-budak!!! *faint* dun wanna say too much of myself.:3

Well too bad i love you, i juz cant help it.:3 Theres no honey in my juz sincerity in my heart.=) Sleep well my dear...if u havent slept mb i wundt miss u tat much hoho. Sweet dreams :3
N...happy white valentines day baby~:3

Tears of Joy

Friday, March 12, 2010
From da moment im looking into my class teacher's eye...waiting deperately tat my nerves broke, this is it, da moment to face da truth after studying hard for so many years... n all of a sudden...'Straight As'!!! Tats all i can hear in da crowd!! Holding my slip n once i glance...Oh my oh my god da feeling of surprise n relief n grateful juz overwhelmed me all together it made tears rolling down my cheek. Tears of joy...=) For da first time in my life with such a powerful so amazing it carve right into my soul. I guess tats hw magical it is to things beyond ur expectations.=) I called mum n dad with sobbing n i can feel hw proud they r to heard from me.=) Aahhh im juz so so happy!:D Hugging here n ther, giving n having is an atmosphere tat i''ll nvr hav da chance to meet again...hw delightful it was.=) Bt some how i juz dun get y some ppl tat scored so well doesnt seem to be as pleased as me...mb they already expected it?:D Oh n after sometime only i realise i actually havent read clearly wat was my exact result. N so, 7A+ 3A n 1A-...waaow~=3 I scream so loud in my mind.XD

For some frens tat gt great wonderful results i congratulate u guys with honour.=) U guys ROCKSS!!!XD For those tat r juz as well bt nt quite satisfied, u already done ur best so theres nth to regret!!! V all stil hav to move on its nt the end of something u noe. Be positiv n jiayew jiayew!!! *hug hugs for gals n shake shake hand for boys* hehe...N this day, will be our official last day to meet so so many frens n teachers in skul. Soon after everyone will b goin on their own path n dreams. Good luck!=)

It is seriously a happy day for me.=) Dad actually agrees tat i could go for pivate colleges if i got myself a full scholarship sponsor. N now im so darn desperate to get it!! Oh god please bless me...i finally hav a little stand for my own choice. Thank you Lord.=3

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Wat the hell u tink im ur fucking servant???? Jerk! Fucking mean jerk!!!!!
Lucky i found a way to calm down my fire else...its WAR!!!!

fucking mean jerk!!!



Yup, tats hw my kancil sounded lyk when i pijak fuel, n i reli hate tat sound. It made me nervous lyk im goin to hit something! Though i wasnt reli goin anywher haha. Its nice tat i learned around my dear's housing area, da feel of safety juz warm me up without worries.=)

My sifu, Ah Wai~=) Hes nt uncle lah aiyo...who said teaching L-ers muz b an uncle haha. Hes a fat young n gud looking kor kor hoho XD Hes cool. Taught me evry single step clearly n easily for me to understand. Thankiew sifu=) Clutch, brake n fuel...these are jz too much, i only gt 2 feet! N i cant reli sense hw much i've step on da paddles its lyk, did i step it or not??? Nex was da steering, for me theres onli go n no turning bak haha. I always forgot to turn it bak to its original position after i turned it, ah darn it!! Bt its funny it make de laugh everytime i did tat haha.
Okay another thing, i tend to lost focus when theres something interesting to look at along da road. I juz look! Tisk tisk shame on me. Focus chyng focus =) Da most horrifying part was still crossing or turning to the other side of da road. Im so worried tat some car might bang me or i might bang some1 elses car...gosh it freaks me out juz to hav a tink of it. *aiks*

Almost 2hrs of learning, yeah i tink im doin fine. Mati enjin once n tats it.=) Bt up till now...i stil cant believe tat i moved a car!!! Oh my da feel of driving is exactly lyk playing a toy car u noe. It somehw doesnt seem to b real for me. A toy kancil.XD N for conclusion, i dun tink im goin to like it vy much as driver...for nw of course who noes wat ll happen nex?XD Still, driving is juz too complicating! Nth wrong to be gud at being a passenger anyway hoho.=)

Hopefully, nex lesson would be better. Hw i hope i could feel lyk im driving a REAL car instead of a toy one hahaha. Lets jiayew jun!=) *HUGGSSS!* =)


Da jie

Pei Yi
Happy Birthday
tats all i can say...*hugs*=)

sleepness night

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
I dun wanna go to Singapore...
i'll do form6 or watever
Jz please dun let me go
i beg uu....TT

'a sudden sound of mine made me depressed...'
i reli do hope there wun be any scholarship offering me ther,
no. 0% pls.

I'll figure out 10 things i shud like about f6
n 10 things i shud hate bout college

like wat u wanted me to tink since so long...
i noe, choices arent always belong to me.

its either tat, or i wont sleep tonight...
im darn wicked depressed!!!



Friday, March 5, 2010
Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh mygod oh my god oh my god OH MY GODDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A cicak juz drop off to da floor from da ceiling in front of me!!!! it was juz one step away from wher i stood! EEEW EEEWWW EEEEWWWW!!!! grey n big n eeewish n horrible n oh my god! Disgusting disgusting disgusting!!!! U cant blame me for screaming lyk a sa po n ran into my bro's room n stand on his bed! I was lyk OH MY MY GODDDD!!! My heart juz shiver..........

Nw its gone duno where it went...tats something to be scared of again >.<


chyng, disgusted.

Take care ♥

Gt ppl go camp liaoooo....wahaha my instinct ask me to reveal ur ugly fat pig face!XD Go hav fun ba go~ Wan go sot gal o? Sot ba sot ba~ c which so po will fall for u...BLEKKK!!!

Ok la i will miss u de la. en. XD im simply havin fun! ;D

luv, chyng*

Talk about. Special

* March the 4th *
It was a vy special day i assume.=) Well lets c wats was it.=)

> MacD for breakfast
Bernard pack a breakfast set for me to ate in da office hehe. Wat a full breakfast nice nice. Thankiew bernard~~~ its special cuz its been so looooong since i ate a burger lyk tat=)

> Coffee
Bt da bad thing was da set comes with a coffee or tea, which he actually pack a coffee for me. Oh nonono!!! My dad always says tat drinking coffee is universal so i better dun let more ppl noe tat i hate coffee. Sigh. 2pack of creamer n 2 pack of sugar...n i drank it lyk im drinking panadol soluble hahahaha. One shoot terus habis~XD Its a gud way to learn to drink coffee i guess...well, it aint TAT BAD.XD (lier!!! XD) a special day cuz i drank coffee...

> Touch n Go
Oh n bfor tat, my bro left da touch-n-go card at home so i hav to use my own money wuwuwuwu.... My first day of work without a t-n-g card. Special?

> Suzan's birthday =)
Shes my boss pa with juz 20 of age today.=) its vy different to celebrate birthday with a colleague than celebrating it with frens at school...totally a different feeling, yet special. =) N its funny i tink to celebrate in a office room with onli 3 ppl hahaha. Lucky thing was i gt a lighter with me, (i actually forgot today was her bdayXD) which i bought during jun's bday...else bye bye to candles hahah. Bernard said im lyk a smoker, sweat.XD

> F***ing LRT
For once when i thought LRT was so damn efficient, it let me down. My 6-8 minutes ride turn out to be almost 1 hour??!! Wat da hell man i gt a yoga class to rush to n u make it happen today....Well since i stil manage to reach ther on time so i forgiv u.XD Ya they had some sort of technical prob n cause such a major delay. No more nex time ok?=) (im talking to da train hahah)

Other special things :D :
> My first day wearing long sleeve to work.=)

> Ah ye miss da 7.50 ktm n v cudnt talk in da train lyk v always do. awww...

> Ktm seem to be less crowded n lrt is way cooler than usual.@@

> Every familiar gals in my view was wearing skirt in da office haha, i myself too!=)

> I had to deal with weird complicating files on my work, which is also my first time. Susah betul!

> Ate lunch with aiya.=)

>Since i used some of my money for trains i short of RM1 to buy my pinky nail polish!!! wuwuwu...i was aiming to buy it since tuesday bt sigh...#$%^&*!

> My first day walking over da bridge from Kelana Jaya lrt station to find my mum as she requested. Lots of ppl were walkin too so it wasnt as unsafe as i imagine.=)

> Discover lots of cute cute emoticons while chatting with jun on fb hahaha. :3

Special special special.=) Bt was it really da right term? Well in fact it was only a term i wud use to cheer myself up, having special things happening around u juz feel great!!!=) Bt when i hav a tink of it...all those defined as special was just different stuff tat wud happen every single day! Cuz every day different things do happen!=) Its juz matter wether i assume da 'different' was 'special'.=) Special made me appreciate more on days i had...n thank god, today do present.=)

N so, i end my day with: Woaw...wat a special day i had! ;D Come on chyng, be happy.=)



Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Okay. Im practically nt in da mood to write all these since its already a past tense for my mood. So it will be a little bit lighter.=)

It all started ytd when my bro was showing books of WWF which, its lyk a book to educate da young ones to preserve da greens n creatures. Amazing ei? He was showing it to my aunt my grandpa my mum...after he came bak from dinner with da WWF director. Did u hear me?? WWF DIRECTOR. N my bro, hes a part of all these conservation stuff...

Every1 was obviously saluting him hw great he is to meet n cooperate wif such well known people n hw amazing he is to b involve in such wonderful events. They r proud of him. N all of a sudden...i felt lyk im invisible. He shine brightly under da light n me...i was covered in da darkness, alone n ignored. Hes good in music, history, food, socialling, knowledge n almost everything! He met people from different different countries different different companies n government associations. Mb except for his attitude tat annoys me alot, hes a son to be proud of.

Wat about a daughter lyk me? Besides sleep eat n spend...wat da hell m i capable of??Useless...yup tats an exact perfect word to describe myself at tat moment i guess. Do u noe hw much pressure izit on me? Do u noe hw does it feel to be da garbage in da house??? Every moment when he was telling his glory...i sank deeply in depression...drowing in it...

My vocabs are so limited i couldnt express my inner soul...Bt i cant imagine if i wrote tis ytd nite. It will b lyk a suicide entry...
