
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Yup, tats hw my kancil sounded lyk when i pijak fuel, n i reli hate tat sound. It made me nervous lyk im goin to hit something! Though i wasnt reli goin anywher haha. Its nice tat i learned around my dear's housing area, da feel of safety juz warm me up without worries.=)

My sifu, Ah Wai~=) Hes nt uncle lah aiyo...who said teaching L-ers muz b an uncle haha. Hes a fat young n gud looking kor kor hoho XD Hes cool. Taught me evry single step clearly n easily for me to understand. Thankiew sifu=) Clutch, brake n fuel...these are jz too much, i only gt 2 feet! N i cant reli sense hw much i've step on da paddles its lyk, did i step it or not??? Nex was da steering, for me theres onli go n no turning bak haha. I always forgot to turn it bak to its original position after i turned it, ah darn it!! Bt its funny it make de laugh everytime i did tat haha.
Okay another thing, i tend to lost focus when theres something interesting to look at along da road. I juz look! Tisk tisk shame on me. Focus chyng focus =) Da most horrifying part was still crossing or turning to the other side of da road. Im so worried tat some car might bang me or i might bang some1 elses car...gosh it freaks me out juz to hav a tink of it. *aiks*

Almost 2hrs of learning, yeah i tink im doin fine. Mati enjin once n tats it.=) Bt up till now...i stil cant believe tat i moved a car!!! Oh my da feel of driving is exactly lyk playing a toy car u noe. It somehw doesnt seem to b real for me. A toy kancil.XD N for conclusion, i dun tink im goin to like it vy much as driver...for nw of course who noes wat ll happen nex?XD Still, driving is juz too complicating! Nth wrong to be gud at being a passenger anyway hoho.=)

Hopefully, nex lesson would be better. Hw i hope i could feel lyk im driving a REAL car instead of a toy one hahaha. Lets jiayew jun!=) *HUGGSSS!* =)



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