
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Ehhhh theres nth particular to write! Lack of blogging just doesnt feel right haha. Nvm let it be a way to update my close fren hw m i recently, n i perfectly fine.=) In fact i can describe this week as, Teenage Week.XD

22, Went to visit my cousin sis in da hospital, wif my bro, she got some sort of food poisoning n its kinda serious. I nvr felt even a little of boringness to sat beside her for 5 hrs, seeing her nt feeling well juz breaks my heart...shes lyk my darling little sister. Bt gladly shes all fine nw.=)

23, Another first day of work! Basically da strongest reason for me to continue this job was because of my dear jun.;3 Her coll was juz opposite my office! Talk about fate man haha.;D So v took ktm n lrt together n of course chat all da way. Besides da major f**kin delay of Malaysia's ktm, it was juz great to c her always again.;3

24, Ate lunch with my dear.=) It was suppose to b a happy meet bt v end up with an argument after tat, sigh. I guess its my fault for being so harsh. Stil, our arguments nvr last long, thanks to my phone... I juz cant stand long leaving problems the way they are.

25, Rainy evenin. Mummy treat me ramen for dinner after work, its a reward for my spm result.=) Ichiban ramen. Well i cant say its very nice, cuz i reli dun get da taste haha. Any hw thankiew so much mummy.;3

26, Fate again!!!;3 Fate brought me to lunch with lian.=) If it wasnt for da coincidence i wud juz skip my lunch since theres no fud at home. Good good hehe. Aww walking to tmn daya made all those memories dashed over my mind.=) Thanks for da lunch n walk lian=)
Then its driving lesson time in the evening. I sucks at da naik bukit man, keep mati enjin no matter where n hit da little poles during parking. Ish, bad driving. Worse of all, i juz blindly memorise steps for parking without understanding hw exactly it works. Shame on me. I'll work hard to figure hw da car's butt move with da steering nex time.;3
And then at night went yum cha with some murnians to farewell 2 little ns boy. My first time yum cha with frens!;D I actually felt unsafe n worry to go out at 9pm its lyk so late man...u noe im those typical curfew-tied girl. Bt after meeting my frens everything juz went well. N i didnt get home late either.=) Thanks to driver haoyu.=) Good luck in ns ya ah ye n ah hao! hehe.

27, Sporting day haha. Yoga in da morning n followed by bowling in the afternoon.=) V met suyi at yoga hw sweet! Went to her house for changing n i seriously love ur house suyi~~~~~~~ Its....gigantic! N spacious! I love da hole in da middle of ur house da most.=) Its normal for me to b envy at my frens for wat they hav...n sometimes even sad. Bt i do always tell myself to juz appreciate watever i had, at least i hav a home.=) Bowling was fun n HEAVY hahaha. Cuci longkang is normal for me okay i nvr play it since 'n' years ago.XD Stil its fun to juz hang out with frens.=) After tat da boys went badminton n i juz wanna say i love them- sportsmen.=)

Tats all! Please dun get it wrong, i stil cant go out often with frens awww. All those lunch n yum cha n yoga n bowling, nvr pass tru my dad haha. Its juz perfect timing.=) *naughty me XD* Still, i love my week! ;D

chyng ;3
28/3 21:02


Jia Lin said...

wah~ reli a week full wit outings~ hehe

the reverse is easy,
where u wan ur car buttock turn to,
u jiu turn the steering to tat way lo~ XD

at 1st i oso memorizing~
( cuz uncle oso ask me to memorize XD )
until i scold him,
[ uncle, memorize wil never work d ar, teach me the theory!! XD ]

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