
Monday, March 15, 2010
Im starting to hate everyone around me...


This post was suppose to end lyk above. Yes i do feel hatred at that moment...plus being alone n getting grumble from my dad juz add flares to my mood. N there i was sitting alone in da 'kopitiam' stirring n stirring my teh. I guess i look weird lyk i juz broke up or sumthing. N its too noisy, too much ppl in one space.

Gladly, its my lucky day. An old fren of mine coincidently hav his off day today. I knew i could count on him to brighten my day.=) He showed up after half an hr n v chat lyk v've nvr seen each other for decades. Hes my only boy friend tat i could talk so long with, mb because hes da one who did most of da talking.:3 N it hadnt change for 4yrs. V talk bout his future his dreams my evrything n v juz talk n laugh n talk. He always mention that hes glad his mum gave him his mouth out of everything, n i agree.=) I juz love talking with him. N theres one topic tat no matter hw many times v've repeated for 4yrs, v nvr get bored of it n in fact it made me laugh da most. Our memories are juz too precious.:3

2 hours of chit chat is more den enuf to make my moody mood vanish.=) Thanks dude.:D

15/3 18:12


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