
Monday, December 21, 2009
No one decides whats best for you.=)
Everyone is different,
Everyone is special.
CHEERSS chyng!!!
luv, me.=)

Work hard chyng

Sunday, December 20, 2009
I feel lyk my eyes balls are goin to pop out, freakin tired man. But i had a great day haha. Edu fair at mid valley n fake-snow fun at da Curve. Evrything is just perfect with u around.=)

Sad to say i havent pick my own target yet. Disappointed. Theres nth to jealous how ppl work on their future wif determination, i hav to work hard to tink too. Its just sad for not having my own very interest on something. Sometimes i really hate myself, for being average. People always say, YES U, u hav talent in u bt its just a matter of chance to find it out. Well i cant find mine yet tats for sure. When r u coming out? haha. Work hard chyng, work it out.

Yes im a sensitive girl. A slight effort can easily flood da pain in me. Looking tat evrything about u, without me, its just not right. Some wher around da corner of my heart just hate it alot, or maybe its a feeling of sorrow. I myself, im nt sure. V r not meant to b together after all, at least not tat close. Its just a matter for me to finally learn wat i had done, n learn to accept it. I wont give up though. Never!! Da stand where i belong is getting clearer n clearer. Its a perfect stand, wat more could i wish for.=) Arh its not tat bad actually, miss think-too-much just did it again.

Enough bout tat. Lets c wat fake snow means haha.
Someting to bring da spirit of christmas more joyful n fun.=)
Merry Christmas!!=)
luv chyng*


Saturday, December 19, 2009
No wonder tis book was so tempting. My frens around were already crazy bout it since last year n yet now only i read it haha. It was wonderful.=) N i managed to finish it in 4 days haha, wat a record for me. U juz cant stop flipping page by page to noe wats gonna happen nex, especially da climax. I tink others might hav finished it faster haha.

However, yeah, so much for fantasy. No one could b as perfect as Edward, only by reading it i could fall in love with him haha. Well back to reality, da love story in twilight wud nvr happen, not to mean da existance of vampire of course. I could get crushed so easily it shattered my heart with my high expectations, towards love. It hurts so badly everytime it strikes. Too bad i already sank deeply in love with you. But juz because da pain can conquer my soul much more easier doesnt mean he is tat bad haha. Anything besides tat little tiny bad, is evrything tat wouldnt stop me from loving you more.=) Its just a matter of controlling it. Hoping one day tat you are, my fantasy.=)

Well no one is perfect, god is fair. Always reminding myself with these 2 quotes:
Love n Peace. Forgive n Forget.=)

luv chyng*

(Oh right, forgot to mention i cant wait to c new moon!!! XD aww just let my fantasy stay for a little longer hehe.)


Friday, December 18, 2009
Babysitter? Ou yes i enjoy being one, especially babysitting my cousins.=) Cuz i got treated for a movie today yay!!=) Avatar. It was freaking nice, i love it alot. Not to mention its beautiful, u ll noe when u watch it.=) Left: Took a picture of us in a shiny christmas ball.=)

And i was shocked to see THIS. Its a christmas costume
competition! Just c how those angle dressed, fighting to b little santarina haha. U could have seen how they do catwalk! Its lyk they r trained for all those irresistible poses! Kids nowdays, they do noe beauty better den i do, wat a shame haha. Well i bet their costume is more expensive then da prizes.XD

Hohoho christmas is juz around da corner n da christmas spirit in me is burning hot!! Cant wait. Love to c how all those malls decorate themselve with wonderful christmas decorations. Though so far nth had amaze my soul out wif a WOOOW. Maybe its because i juz been to 2 malls haha. Ther will b more soon i hope. Da one i love da most was duno which year wher 1u hav...wat do u call tat?christmas band soldier? ya tat one. Its huge!=)

Well i wanna wish all my frens a jolly n warm christmas tis year.=) I surely wont hav da chance to wish u guys on time here, i'll be in Fraser's Hill eating turkey!XD *MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!*

luv chyng*


Thursday, December 17, 2009
Just did some clicking around n i obviously got lost managing a new blog, since i nvr had one. Bt stil im happy wif my new pc-type diary.=) Well im serious to say i wanted to keep tis more to myself, its lyk my heart secret hideout. aw yes tats it!=) But then i was hoping tat i can keep in touch wif my frens through blogging. i can choose my blog followers right? Dilemma. I ll just tink of tat later hehe.

Hey u blogspot welcome me into ur neiburhood!=) Im sure i ll enjoy using this. Since SPM is sooo over i wud hav more time in front of my pc. Hoping tat i hav da passion to express myself. Well u c, im not gud at expressing. Simple english, yes tats wat im goin to use. Felt kinda envy how ppl command thier english so well!! Simply have to do something with tat. Gud luck for me!=)
