
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Just did some clicking around n i obviously got lost managing a new blog, since i nvr had one. Bt stil im happy wif my new pc-type diary.=) Well im serious to say i wanted to keep tis more to myself, its lyk my heart secret hideout. aw yes tats it!=) But then i was hoping tat i can keep in touch wif my frens through blogging. i can choose my blog followers right? Dilemma. I ll just tink of tat later hehe.

Hey u blogspot welcome me into ur neiburhood!=) Im sure i ll enjoy using this. Since SPM is sooo over i wud hav more time in front of my pc. Hoping tat i hav da passion to express myself. Well u c, im not gud at expressing. Simple english, yes tats wat im goin to use. Felt kinda envy how ppl command thier english so well!! Simply have to do something with tat. Gud luck for me!=)



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