
Friday, November 19, 2010
Sad to say bout wat happen last week in my class. It was only 2nd day of semester 2 n theres a theft case, one of my classmate lost her newly bought handphone+ ic+ bsn card + almost rm100 cash which everything is kept in a pouch. Da worst n most saddening part of all is da thief is also one of my classmate.=( Classmate stealing classmate's stuff, this is juz so unbelievable! After hanging out together as classmates for one whole semester and things like this can actually happen? Sigh.

Im nt sure how but after da case they(my other classmates) actually hav a suspect in mind bt she doesnt admitt at all after gt accused. I kinda salute how they 'investigate' da case with such accuracy. N yup da suspect was caught red-handed (i gt this term wrong in my previous blog xD) when her roomates found da victim's handphone in her pail 2 days later. Previously da suspect even threw miss victim's IC into one of da hostel dustbin which after tat was found by da makcik cleaner. Sad case ei? There are some more details tat are too sad to share. Da reason she stole it was because she wants to sell it to help her mum, at least tats 'one' of da reason she told one of her frens, there are some other reasons if u ask different people. N malays, they did some prayers bout cursing or hoping to get da criminal bfor this, im nt sure bout da praying part bt da point is she actually join them to do da prayers.;( N she said she is willing to 'menjulang al-Quran', something worse than curse to find out da 'criminal'. Sigh, which end up being her. ;(

Now she has to face the Court by end of this month for committing crime, its a Matriculation Court or wat im nt sure. Its either u get throw out from college, suspended for few weeks or hundreds dollars of penalties. Court? It sounds rather harsh to me;(. V signed some sort of perjanjian befor entering this college tat if v break rules stated in Akta 174 (i rmb da law cuz they state this for almost every talk) we might hav to face court jurisdiction. This also includes ponteng class for more than 3 times. I never thought they will actually bring it to da court bt here is it, happen to one of my classmate.

Now i understand wat my dad meant bout not trusting ppl for 10 full marks, no matter who is it we stil hav to leave 3 marks of cautious. People are just hard to predict, especially as we grow meeting people with different kind of faces. Take care kay my frens?

10:57am 19/11


yin yin said...

chyng have to bkful at matrix oh.. it sounds like so duno those bside you is actually good or bad one.. take k my dear

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