A twinge

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Yup, i look twice n thrice. Theres no incoming tex messages. =( it actually felt...lonely?
I sort if think tat my facebook is polluted, cuz my top news humans are all da people tat i cant mingle with in college. Yet they mingle with each other very very well. Da feeling of isolated, u noe? Well nt exactly da term isolated, its just 'me'. I just dont feel lyk leaving comments yet now im complaining. Im suppose to get through with this very long time ago bt im stil nt strong enough. :'( Till a certain point, optimistism juz couldnt work.;( So, this social problem mine, its all my fault. I hav problems socialing with people.

hey? Wats wrong with da people tat u're mixing with right now? They dont mind not mixing with da big groups. They arent active in facebook. They are just...themselves! Lum Thien Chyng, wat da hell is wrong with u? U cant accept tat u're mixing with non-popular people? Its a sin i tell u, a sin. Damn it, now i hate myself.

When u hav another half of urs u might say, no matter what happens at least i hav him/her. Bt what if u dont? I would say, at least i hav my family. Kinda thought of it, it is actually juz a way to comfort myself. ;( Cuz its Different.

With an unstable emotion of mine, i juz couldnt come up with a conclusion. Help? ;( Sometimes i juz hope theres some stanger bloggers leaving comments n resolving my problems... bt chyng, its a private blog la wei ==

miss distress
10:26 13/9


KeN said...

10 years later if u still have this problem, feel free to visit my clinic/hospital.

Chyng said...

ur first task as a future doc juz failed, cant even comfort a fren bt promoting ur clinic. blekk.

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