
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
For once in my matric life i seriously feel lyk crying doin accounts. Damn it.;'( Da feeling when u realise tat all ur hard effort to understand a certain stuff eventually *pooff!* into dust cause wat u understand was totally wrong. I was lyk...ughh. Da crying part? I guess tis is wat u call u're under stressed bt u din noe it.=( Okay n so, i learned my mistake n i promised myself to pay full attention in lectures. Bt somehow, it didnt work 100%. My mind juz flew away duno where in seconds n come bak again, n shoot i missed few sentence from da lecture. Effort chyng effort, u muz CONCENTRATE. Gosh. Im having stress. Its only 5 weeks to go before its time for our finals, sigh.

One more serious case would be, everyone is telling me tat im grew fatter!!! This time, i seriously seriously wanna cry.;'((( I wanna go on diet, a serious one!!! Get away from me u junk food! wu... I dun wanna grow fat... it really hurts some where in my heart when people say tat to me. ;( So conclusion? DIET.

Still, im trying to think of some hapi stuff tat happen today. 1. Chips invited me for a drink during break time. 2. I started doin homework at 2.30pm today. 3. I manage to just eat nestum for dinner. Okay, tats enough for a smile i guess. =)

Tomorrow will be better. Please show some improvement tmr chyng. ;)

miss distress
14/9 22:21


Monday, September 13, 2010
Well, its time to go back to dungeon again. My mum kissed me gud bye this morn before i woke up...cuz she wont be there when im leaving. I almost cried. This is way more hard to leave cuz u're tat there mummy, i love you.

Hmm, stil, its a wonderful break cuz i get to meet my dearest frens here, n of course spending more time with my family. ;)

we look more n more alike. Love you ling ;)

What it takes is just a chat. Love you jun. ;)my house had never been so crowded before man, 17 people.xD Realtives come over to hav steamboat for dinner.;)n i drank half glass of this: 椰花酒+ Guiness. N because of tat half cup i had major headaches up til tis morning, not bad haha.

N also a wonderful small gathering with some murnians.;) (all photos is with suyi) Love you ying, thanks for company me to lawyat to get my stuffs.;)

So yeah, the end for this break. Till we meet again kay? Miss u all ;D

13.01 13/9

A twinge

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Yup, i look twice n thrice. Theres no incoming tex messages. =( it actually felt...lonely?
I sort if think tat my facebook is polluted, cuz my top news humans are all da people tat i cant mingle with in college. Yet they mingle with each other very very well. Da feeling of isolated, u noe? Well nt exactly da term isolated, its just 'me'. I just dont feel lyk leaving comments yet now im complaining. Im suppose to get through with this very long time ago bt im stil nt strong enough. :'( Till a certain point, optimistism juz couldnt work.;( So, this social problem mine, its all my fault. I hav problems socialing with people.

hey? Wats wrong with da people tat u're mixing with right now? They dont mind not mixing with da big groups. They arent active in facebook. They are just...themselves! Lum Thien Chyng, wat da hell is wrong with u? U cant accept tat u're mixing with non-popular people? Its a sin i tell u, a sin. Damn it, now i hate myself.

When u hav another half of urs u might say, no matter what happens at least i hav him/her. Bt what if u dont? I would say, at least i hav my family. Kinda thought of it, it is actually juz a way to comfort myself. ;( Cuz its Different.

With an unstable emotion of mine, i juz couldnt come up with a conclusion. Help? ;( Sometimes i juz hope theres some stanger bloggers leaving comments n resolving my problems... bt chyng, its a private blog la wei ==

miss distress
10:26 13/9


Friday, September 10, 2010

I just want to be myself ;)

bt yet im still learning how to do so...

still, da most important thing of ALL:


me me ;3
10/9 17:59

Some how

Some how, thank you god for granting wat i want. I guess tats wats best for me.=)

Had a pleasent beginning for my holiday. Lawyat with ying for my new mr. lappy stuffs.;) Its super mini man! Well its better den nth so yea be grateful ;) den join karaoke with part of murnis, i juz love da way u guys laugh. Miss u all.

Daddy im sorry i didnt tel earlier bout my plan today, im still feeling da miss communication between us. Hopefully we can talk more den be lyk gud father daughter u noe? Bt im glad tat u didnt complain anything at all bout my outing today, love you.=)

Well, looking forward for da rest of my holiday.=)

ps: i seriously wont fall in love with a malay guy kay? They r juz frenly frens.=)

10/9 00:53