Too deep

Thursday, August 5, 2010
I fall too deep into this black hole...a deep black well. People are just too innocent, i cant believe i fall for that! It hurts so much leaving me sitting alone in dark dont now wat to do. Oh god, im da stupidest person in da world. How could i fall for that??? Theres no one to lend me a string to pull me up, theres no one to call for no one hope for...cause it was my own mistake, my own wrong footstep. U r ridiculous chyng, damn it. How m i suppose to climb up to see da bright sky again? I was hurt so badly and tears are pulling me backwards. Oh god...please help me out from this so lone... I fall too deep.T.T

Sigh. I better get to shower now, no one would spot me crying there...

The well is filled with tears of sorrow n stupidity...

ridiculous me


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