So not right

Monday, August 2, 2010
This is so not right!!! I wanna scream lyk hell... Its seriously time to stick with a permanent group...T.T It just felt so wrong when u r in a gruop bt u werent into what they were talking about. Why am i there with them again? Finding same keys pal aint easy for me. Oh chyng u r really a failure. N since theres no more 'love ones' for me to release my sour thoughts instantly, things just get worse...

But in every moment, i would remind myself with a short quote of my own.

'wo hui wei zi ji huo de geng jian qiang!' (cant type n chinese, XD)

Dont juz quote, make it happen! Chyng u muz jiayew.



Jia Lin said...

GoGoGo chyng~ Ganbatte !!!!
feel like haven say good bye to u oso, u edi gone T^T

Chyng said...

ling~~~~~~ hug hug;) ganbateehee~~;D

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