Our Lagoon! ♥

Saturday, May 1, 2010
Ying Mone Hy Zk Wq Jh Br
Great friends ,great day. Lots of laughter, lots of fun.;) N lots of bleeding nose from da guys...pervert!! XD

I tink i drop into conclusion too fast haha. From da roller coaster to da cups n pools n pirate ships...everything is just crazily fun!!! Who would ever forget 3 times pirate ship ride n screaming of tortured soul hahaha. Da nose bleeding part was because da guys saw lots of sexy bikini.XD Well it wasnt that worth of money by da count of games that v could play but memories with u all is certainly a priceless treasure. Im missing it already! Looking forward for our nex fun day...hopefully genting.XD Very very soon we'll be goin off on our own route n especially me, its hard to get another warm gathering. Not just those guys up there, i ll miss all my lovely friends...

Still, i truely enjoy this day in sunway lagoon.;3


(N i tink im goin to buy myself a cap...i tink i like it! It matches my spec.;D Thanks to jinhao's capXD)


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