Friday, May 28, 2010
KMPk : Kolej Matrikulasi Perak ;3

Aww awww awww im home!!!! Da feeling of travelling home by bus for holiday feels lyk im a malay goin home for raya haha. I miss my family so much my bed my toilet my home n every single corner of my house. No where is warmer than here.=)
Its already da 3rd week n im starting to get used with matric life now.=) Da first week was reli home sick n frens-sick plus with da serious badness of orientattion week everything juz gone worse. N washing my own clothes is such a burden man, after hand-wash them i even doubt if its really CLEAN. (I nvr hand wash my clothes in my entire life!) Okay lets talk bout my room first, 4 ppl in 1 room makin me da only chinese. Every one will hav a bed a closet n a desk. Da desk is pretty small for me cause i use to hav such a big desk in my room. Hmm better den nth though rite?=) My fren-sick was awful...especailly during orientation week, cause theres no soulmate for me to talk with n it made me miss my frens so so so very much!!! I cried every time i tink of them...its lyk they r endangered creatures in da world that could nvr be found any wher near me for that moment... (i miss u girls so much!!! TT)
Bt after few days it gets better when me n my roommates gets along pretty well.=) Nisha, Diana n Aida...da thing i love da most about them is they love to smile n laugh alot...n its from sincerity.=) We eventually bcum a 'gang' hang out together study together eat together... Bt something struck my mind cause basically im da only chinese that hang out with malay frens. It kept me wondering if i should hang out more with da chinese? Yes i hav chinese frens n i would love to move around with da chinese bt it some how felt different spending time with them...u noe? I nid some alamak susahnya nak explain!XD I hav my own conclusion already though, which is as long as im happy n thats it! ;D
my lovely roommates: Aida, Diana & Nisha

Nex nex hmm...studies!!;D Okay, its another serious issue.;( I almost change my course to bio science cause i cant stand da impact of all humans around me taking science subjects! Sound stupid i noe. I kept asking myself did i make da right step to choose accounting stream? (i prefer to call it art stream) In universities, if u r a science student u may hav more choice of degree courses to pick from even if its art stream related degree. N plus that im a ex-science students it reli made me bleed for few days juz to tink wether i should change to science. Ppl who only scored few A's in spm pick science? I was lyk wth i get straight...wher did u get ur confidence from? Okay okay stop stop, im nt goin bak to all those dilemma again.=) N so now im set to do my very best in what im really interested in n I WILL GET 4 FLAT!!!!! weeee~~~~~~=)
What more to talk about?=) Hmm, cocuriculum is very important as well to get into uni. Well even though my koko period will only start during Semester 2 bt i'll try my best to get more koko marks in first sem. My achievements so far is im da wakil pelajar for my tutor class, i volunteered as da MC for an accouting stream programme, n won 2nd place in squash inter-block match.=) Chyng must continue active n jiayew jiayew!!!! Still im regret to miss da college student body council election cause i'll be in Australia on da date of pilihanraya.TT Ish so no fate...hate it so much when i actually hav confindence to be compete with others. Ish. Nvm, i get to go australia weeee~~~~~

my tutorial mates! ;D

Macam dah sangat i stil gt thing to talk about!=) Lets make it short n simple.=) Food. Everyday malay food n im already immune to it. Immune to flies as well aiks. N im trying to go on diet during matrik hehe...i wan to slim down my fleshy face! Oh n its freaking hot in kmpk. Da first few nights i sweat from da moment i sleep til i woke up. Eeeewy rite? Even after u shower u will get sticky da moment u turn off da water. I REALLY REALLY REALLY hate being sticky all da time. Bt after sometime it gets better wo night me n my roommates would shift our tilam to da floor n v all sleep together under da fan...marvelous!;D I nvr sweat at night since then!;D Okay one probelm solved, nex...bugsss!!! Since da wing of our block is back-facing da oil-palm jungle every night there would be diff species of bug flying into our room! EEEWWW! I have to sweep dead bugs on my desk every hour...there r just too much of them. Besides bugs, theres cicak! Our daily routine would be screaming if any cicak get near us. They r big n blak aiyer scary scary scary... I guess this cant be solved when it comes to nature. Talking bout nature, da view here is really nice especially early in da morning n when da sun sets. Wonderful scenery just cheers me up!=)

sunset view form Cafe C...:3

Well, so far homework n assignments here are very heavy...i nvr been so hardwroking before in my study life! Hopefully my semangat will last til the end.=) My roommates are hardworking ppl as well.=) Overall it is still okay for my life in matrics...i love da part wher my lecture n tutorial all those stuff is exactly lyk university life. I feel a little grown up.=) N oh, everyday it would either be baju kurung or formal fine with that.=) Feels lyk shopping for more clothes!XD N malay guys can sometimes be very charming.XD There r some leng zai chinese also u noe.XD n i heard i gt a secret admirer hahaha, zi lian~XD ohhh!!! N im so weak in memorising names! Especially da malays, they look exactly da same when they hav their tudung on. I hav to jiayew with tat.=)

AJKO daniel! i like u lar~~~XD

Waow fuh...i tink i did a great job.=) Sibeh long post!;D Sorry my dear frens to kept u waiting for my blog. I'll find more chance to update u guys tru blogging. Luv u guys!!! ;D Oh no no no tmr hav to go bak already?? I haven touch my homework!XD

lots of luv,
29/5 23:46


Chyng said...

type le so long yuan lai look so short d ah??><
i'll take n upload more photos soon hehe...

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