Super ;D

Sunday, April 25, 2010

It needs lots of effort to cheer someone up that made u sad. It never felt right i hav to learn to be strong, to be Super Meow, for u.=) So i dont care! Im ur typical brat darling n u hav to be happy for all my hard effort. Okie? ;3

See, where can u find another gf as good as me?XD

25/4 18:23

(it cheers me up to write such things...i can smell da happy aroma around me already.;D)

We ♥ Gen

I cant believe im da one who reminded them that its their anniversary! ;3
Japanese buffet with family=)
i love japanese food!
n a wonderful REAL flower to enlighten our table.=)

Mummy n bro.
I dont noe how come they hav such pose XD
me n my dad ;3
(im getting fat sigh)
do we look alike?=)
N finally thankiew abang comel n ur crew for providing so much smiles in ur service!
I love u guys.;)

N i love you too, my dear family.;)
25/4 13:15


Friday, April 23, 2010
Sometimes i think music are incredible. They could make my tears drop by themselves, just like now. Im a sensitive girl...which sometimes can be kinda horrible, i dont even noe y one common meaningless word can bring me such a big impact? M i superbly sensitive or what? Hate myself for hating others all da time. Hate myself that when i dont feel lyk talking, i dont talk at all. Sigh. Hopefully i can blame everything on my mens...which is obviously an excuse. Ughh. Cheer up chyng cheer.=)

I wanna hang out hang out hang out!!!!

24/4 00:02

Beautiful nightmare?

Sunday, April 18, 2010
Its sunday morning n i woke up at 9.30...tats consider early for me!XD Well, da point is i had this dream that woke me up i nvr want to sleep bak again...- I got an offer letter from JPA to study dentistry at Russia. Everything seem so freaking real!!!!

Y m i relieve that it was just a dream? Y do i tink that its a nightmare? Confusion.

18/4 09:49

Her 18

Saturday, April 17, 2010
(Well, i wanted to post this after our outing celebration. Since da day didnt come as wish i perhaps i shud post this asap.=3)

Ekhem...16th of April, a date which is impossible to forget it.;3

Not to be at ur side on this day made me feel a little of guilt...stil, im happy that u have a great day.=) Happy in a way of jealousy though. V dont see each other so often nw. Im glad for da invention of computers n handphones bt it juz seem a little different than how v use to live our life with each other. Waiting for replies is one thing, another is cause sometimes, it actually felt strange n unfamiliar. Our bond n interactions are lyk 2 totally different thing... V felt da same for each other yet da way v interact is nt as deep as how our bond seem to be... Its lyk time is battling with me n im losing it...i let time took his glory n fade our relation. Did i?

Im so very much glad that v have yoga together.=) Its da most precious time that i could see u for nw. I know, once all our curfews are broken everything would be better. Stil, v need to have patience for da moment to come, sigh. AAhhh memories memories memories...they're killing me. I think most of my brain memory capacity is filled with times in high skul. U brought me so much cheerful moments n change a little pessimist girl... U think that nth reli matters as long as we were together... U were there nvr leaving me even i did a huge mistake... U said u wud come bak even i kick u out of space... U told me that if im sad, it means i've forgotten u... U, reminded me to happy always in life...cause u are my happiness.=) Theres so much promises so much about us, yet till a certain point which everything seem expressless. Its beyond what words could describe. Its been 5 years already n how m i going to get use nt having u with me all da time? Its a bond beyond 5years, a bond wher nth could destroy it...a bond deep down our very little heart. I say, best friends are not just 2 simple words.;3 N im glad that both of us knew hw much v meant for each other... Time is no match for us, right?

I cross my heart, it will be a lifetime friendship.;3 Cross urs yet?=)

N again, with all my heart, I wish u a happy birthday ling...;3 *HUGGSS*

26/4 00:53


Friday, April 16, 2010
I juz got offer to study at matriculation in Gopeng, Perak. My parents are extremely pleased bout it.=) N me? Im happy...i guess. =)

16/4 10:37

Warm ♥

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Having hugs for greetings,
is juz da warmest thing ever...

Luv u my dear. Get well soon. ;3

meow =)


Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Im home n im fine.=)

It wasnt as awful as i thought it might be. I reached half an hour early bt da crowd was already there...parents n fellows same lyk me. Though they look more mature n professional haha. Im nt that bad myself too u noe.XD (i cant hav such low confindence!) N a major thing i realised was ENGLISH. U cant speak english well den u're out! Ppl ther most probably scores straight As in SPM lyk everyone else, so having lots of A doesnt seem to b impressive enough. N being under da same roof with so many smart guys n gals...its juz a little creepy. (especially when u listen all of them speaking in only english) Before i get in i met some new frens n it was nice...i like it n i cant wait to meet more new frens soon haha. V r all on da same battle ship fighting for a war, which makes us something in common n nice to talk about. Most of them are friendly at first sight, so gud luck to u guys too ya!;3

I was in da first group so 6 of us were da first to get in. Its a lucky thing i guess cause i wont need to suffer from da WAITING-pain.=) Da interviewers are friendly they din 'shoot' us that bad for what v answered. No diffucult current issue discussions n its mostly bout ourselves. So overall it was still okay for me. Though i still feel that my answers are nt impressive enough, its juz ordinary. Still i've done my best, at least i din tremble when i was talking.=) N again, 2 medicine 2 dentistry n 2 pharmacist...i was lyk oh my, a room full of profession, it creeps me out again. After 30 minutes n its over, juz lyk that.=)

Well, i didnt put very high hope on it bt its a great experience.=) I wish all my other frens, wq hy zk jk jh br jc aiya n my dear kavita hu get interview for this a very gud luck n all da best!!!=) Its nice when u hav frens lending help for u when u need them. U guys juz rocks for not feeling selfish at all bt always be there for each other. I feel lyk giving some of u a BIG BIG hug ahhh~~~;3 (alah mb tak lah sebaik itu bt its still great!!!! ;D) N thank you mummy, i noe u're nervous also for this...thanks for everything=) Oh n thanks to lee ling for lending me her formal OL pants, it fits me nicely. HUGGS~;3 eh, macam alot ppl to thanks weh.XD Thankiew my dear, for acting lyk an interviewer n let me practice. Last bt nt least, blessings from my dear friends, u guys made me feel warm.=) ( SWEAT, macam i got da schoalrship ad! haha)

I do feel grateful what.XD Well hope at least one of us will b chosen.=) JIAYEW!!!

6/4 11:53


Monday, April 5, 2010
I tink butterflies in my stomach is reproducing kinda fast, sound kinda eeewish. Ughh nvm tat, im nervous. Tmr. 8am. Putrajaya. My first major interview in my life.

Gud luck chyng, juz do ur best. Nw go get some sleep already, nid to wekup at 5 plus tmr. Whers ur confidence chyng?=)

5/4 23:45


Saturday, April 3, 2010

3/4 22:43

Foolish Sick

Thursday, April 1, 2010
Happy April's Fool Day!!!!! :D sick. Sick on april's fool which is so nt a thing to fool with. Ughhhhhh. Sore throat is makin me uncomfy all over! Headaches n fever is coming very soon i guess... Da doc gav me 5 type of med *giler!*, im done with 3 of them after dinner, half completed 1 (i spit it out after eating it lyk a candy, it sucks), n totally leave 1 med untouch...cuz its nt my name!! I even forget wat its for already, wrong name n wrong date, i better ignore it. N da doc, he ordered me to drink at least 2 big bottles of water per day...T^T w.a.t.e.r...........

Be strong chyng...U're gonna be alright!!

HEALTHY chyng!!!;D
1/4 22:13