
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Im home n im fine.=)

It wasnt as awful as i thought it might be. I reached half an hour early bt da crowd was already there...parents n fellows same lyk me. Though they look more mature n professional haha. Im nt that bad myself too u noe.XD (i cant hav such low confindence!) N a major thing i realised was ENGLISH. U cant speak english well den u're out! Ppl ther most probably scores straight As in SPM lyk everyone else, so having lots of A doesnt seem to b impressive enough. N being under da same roof with so many smart guys n gals...its juz a little creepy. (especially when u listen all of them speaking in only english) Before i get in i met some new frens n it was nice...i like it n i cant wait to meet more new frens soon haha. V r all on da same battle ship fighting for a war, which makes us something in common n nice to talk about. Most of them are friendly at first sight, so gud luck to u guys too ya!;3

I was in da first group so 6 of us were da first to get in. Its a lucky thing i guess cause i wont need to suffer from da WAITING-pain.=) Da interviewers are friendly they din 'shoot' us that bad for what v answered. No diffucult current issue discussions n its mostly bout ourselves. So overall it was still okay for me. Though i still feel that my answers are nt impressive enough, its juz ordinary. Still i've done my best, at least i din tremble when i was talking.=) N again, 2 medicine 2 dentistry n 2 pharmacist...i was lyk oh my, a room full of profession, it creeps me out again. After 30 minutes n its over, juz lyk that.=)

Well, i didnt put very high hope on it bt its a great experience.=) I wish all my other frens, wq hy zk jk jh br jc aiya n my dear kavita hu get interview for this a very gud luck n all da best!!!=) Its nice when u hav frens lending help for u when u need them. U guys juz rocks for not feeling selfish at all bt always be there for each other. I feel lyk giving some of u a BIG BIG hug ahhh~~~;3 (alah mb tak lah sebaik itu bt its still great!!!! ;D) N thank you mummy, i noe u're nervous also for this...thanks for everything=) Oh n thanks to lee ling for lending me her formal OL pants, it fits me nicely. HUGGS~;3 eh, macam alot ppl to thanks weh.XD Thankiew my dear, for acting lyk an interviewer n let me practice. Last bt nt least, blessings from my dear friends, u guys made me feel warm.=) ( SWEAT, macam i got da schoalrship ad! haha)

I do feel grateful what.XD Well hope at least one of us will b chosen.=) JIAYEW!!!

6/4 11:53


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