Workin 1*

Saturday, January 23, 2010
As i mentioned, excited? yeah rite.== It was a damn damn damn bad work day!!! Da office looks more lyk a factory to me, wat an unprofessional working venue. I was given a smal tour around da factory to meet my other colleagues, bt i nvr rmb any of their names i was concentrating on smiling n nodding haha. Firstly, no cute boys at all!! Well tats nt reli a big point bt most of them r aunty n uncle. They dun seem to be very friendly especially da boss. He nvr even talk to me da whole day!! Wat kind of boss r u?? Oh nono theres too much tat i hate about.

First my chair, i've been repeating to adjust da height of it hunderd over times cuz it keep slide down...its nt lyk im heavy or wat its juz a cheap chair!!! N my pc, damn it evry1 else is using flat screen monitor how cum mine is da ancient boxie type?? Cheap. Den break, our working hour is 9.5hrs n they juz allow 45 min lunch break?? Freak. Though v all sat together for lunch bt non of them even talk to me instead they were busy talking bout things tat i ll nvr understand. Fine mb im nt gud at socialling with aunties. Maniac. Tat was da worse part i perhaps, no1 to talk with. I juz hate being so lonely. N lastly my job, i feel lyk im a robot doin da same thing over n over again. Oh my god its brainless n BORING.

So wat did i decide to do to settle so much problems? Its simple. I quit.=) yay!=) I ll pretend it was a day of charity work haha. N i contribute half a trash can of tissue for da company. I gt a very bad flu tat day n they dun even hav a proper tissue!! Wat i got was rough toilet rolls, pity my nose how could they...


Ppl say one of da reason for unemployment phenomena is because da choosy habit of ppl, especially youngsters. Im one of them i guess haha. I tink its reli important to choose a right career for our future. Wats da meaning of working if u hate tat job so very much? Hmm maybe unless u r facing some desperate situation...As for me, a spm graduate, its nt time to get working pressure yet, so i'll juz enjoy, do wat ever tat will make me happy.=) N having tis job is definately nt part of my hapiness.



jean said...

jean sayang~
enjoy ur life~
if nt a work tat chyng lik quit it better^^

jean support u oways ya^^

**uncle aunty so kong bu><

Chyng said...

anla~hahah...n gt some vy ungentleman d boy, tink also gek sam.nvm, quit ad!!!XD

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