Saturday, February 4, 2012
My brother got a perfect 4.00 in his last semester. What kind of god is he? He was like so relax during his study week, going out with his friends and such. I studied harder than he does yet i don't think i could get a perfect score my exams.:( Mom was extremely pleased for his result indicating that he might have the chance to be freed from paying back his study loans. Fyi you have to get a first-class honours degree to get your loans granted as scholarships. I was sitting just right there, feeling the enormous pressure on my shoulders, thinking that, great, among hundred of my graduated seniors last year, only 7 of them gained first class. 7. Great. So need i describe how enormous the pressure was? Hmm.:(

It got me realise that it's not about how well you read your books anymore, aint it? I guess its passion that attributes to such an outstanding result. Passion, a word filled with power and dreams. No doubt that's what in him that i'm lacking of. Maybe it's time to look at things at a different perspective, no matter how statued or difficult the subject is, love it, feel it and just make it happen. Easy to say huh. Hopefully i could achieve that. That's how we grow, learning from the better ones. As for first-class honours? Lets just say, make sure you do what it takes to deserve it. And it aint gonna be easy.

My result will only be out on 10th. Anyway, congratulations bro. You're superb!



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