Fruit of the Spirit

Saturday, February 4, 2012
But the fruit of Spirit is









and self control.

Against such things there is no law.

-Galatians 5:22-23


My brother got a perfect 4.00 in his last semester. What kind of god is he? He was like so relax during his study week, going out with his friends and such. I studied harder than he does yet i don't think i could get a perfect score my exams.:( Mom was extremely pleased for his result indicating that he might have the chance to be freed from paying back his study loans. Fyi you have to get a first-class honours degree to get your loans granted as scholarships. I was sitting just right there, feeling the enormous pressure on my shoulders, thinking that, great, among hundred of my graduated seniors last year, only 7 of them gained first class. 7. Great. So need i describe how enormous the pressure was? Hmm.:(

It got me realise that it's not about how well you read your books anymore, aint it? I guess its passion that attributes to such an outstanding result. Passion, a word filled with power and dreams. No doubt that's what in him that i'm lacking of. Maybe it's time to look at things at a different perspective, no matter how statued or difficult the subject is, love it, feel it and just make it happen. Easy to say huh. Hopefully i could achieve that. That's how we grow, learning from the better ones. As for first-class honours? Lets just say, make sure you do what it takes to deserve it. And it aint gonna be easy.

My result will only be out on 10th. Anyway, congratulations bro. You're superb!



Friday, February 3, 2012
My last blog was 5 months ago??? That's terrible yaiks. And in that 5 months is where its one of my turning points in life: To strive a life as a university student.

There's so much to tell. In the beginning, its better than i expected in terms of socializing if you wanna compare with my matriculation life. Mingling with the people in college(hostel) went quite well.:) There's this senior that i really have to thank to, if it's not for her i may not be as well exposed as now.:) Thank God for her. And speaking bout being thankful for the people i met, i really wanna thank God for sister Yi Yeen. She's the reason i get to know You more Lord, to attend bible studies and Sunday's services. She's a blessing to me.:)

Life in college is busy, but it's warming as well. You're not just living with people at your own age but lots and lots of seniors as well. It's really incredible to felt their care and welcome to the college. I doubt i would do the same to my juniors in my 2nd year. But they truly are like elder brothers and sisters. The busy part was due to this enormous number of projects going on in the college. One is cause the more you join the higher marks you get and the higher the possibility that you get to stay for the next year. But most of all its bout learning.:) I've joined enough already seriously. That's what driving me busy all semester. But got a think about it i don't really have a clue how exactly the degree of busy-ness i went through. Somehow its through projects also you meet more people. And i can tell you how much i missed mingling with malay friends. Oh how i missed my friends way back in Gopeng.:( Now i never regretted mixing with the malays during my pre-U life, it's so precious that you might never ever have the chance again. Cause here, I seriously just mix with the chinese, its like a custom. 1 Malaysia? We are not even close to that. Boundaries forever stood still.

Okay, that was college. My faculty has its own projects as well. And this is real business. I really wanna grow in this club since it is closely related to my future career, but i've took an earlier step on participating so much college activities and i think i can hardly breath if i'm active in this one as well. See how every choice matters? Especially AIESEC, i seriously wanna join but i just dont have the trust that i can handle my time well. And there goes AIESEC :( Oh ya speaking bout faculty, of course you'll have course mates. My course mates are my college-mates as well so 5 of us are really really close. But somehow it's nothing compared to the friendship i have with my secondary and pre-U friends. It was great in the beginning but as time goes, you've start to realise little thing bout them and not all are good. I'm not trying to judge anyone. So what i can do is just pray that our relationship would get better. I do really really pray we could be sisters. Amen:)

Academics? I'll try not to talk so much bout my degree, shrink my nerves. Lets hop. Studies! During study week, i can say it's the most hardworking week in my life! Can you imagine studying from morning til dawn every single day?? It's not like there's much of the input but i still couldn't believe i went through that. Yet it's amazing when there's a bunch of people doing the same crazy thing with you, some even crazier haha.

To and flo the semester there are guys appearing, touching your life and make you wonder if he's the one. Long story short, i'm still single. Being in a relationship is all bout maturity and never the less sharing the same God, and i don't think i'm ready yet. I even rarely touch my phone now, texting everyday is like a past life to me. Time will come, it's just not here yet.:)

I guess that about it.:) Who ever that told me that university life is gonna be like honeymoon is so gonna get from me! It is so not! It's busy, headache, restless but somewhat awesome.:) There's lots of happy things despite the sad ones. So i pray that i would have a better second semester and that i would learn from mistakes in the first semester and of course, to grow into a better person in terms of maturity, responsibility, intellectually and spiritually. Make yourself like a TWENTY!!!
