
Saturday, August 20, 2011
It just so happens that i went to a friend's house and played some piano keys of hers. It felt amazing when i roughly understand the concept of playing. The notes the synchronisation the fingertips and the music....oh The Great Piano. I'm forever jealous of how people could play it so well...as the rhythm dances into the air, catching every space in one's ear and drive urge so crazily to play them with your bare fingers! Dad used to say how regret he felt everytime the piano sounds, regret of not having the money for me to learn when i was young. Same goes till now though, despite the fact we are no longer young and free. But at least, i still have a little instinct on guitars.:) There were some days where i always dreamed to have my own music band, it would be the most AWESOME thing ever!:D Well, dreams could come true am i right? The only thing is the consistency of passion towards these instruments and music. Yesterday i touched a piano, and today i'm playing a virtual piano online. Talk about enthusiastic.x) But how long could it last? Falling in love with something doesn't vanish just like that i perhaps, i hope so it won't.:)

May i say dear grace Piano, i love you.:)
And to dear handsome Guitar, you rock.;)

Dreams may still go on. ;)


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