
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Looking at others, why do i always feel alone?

tears in my heart...


Some crush are really hard to forget :(

A never heal wound

What do you call someone who you love the most but did not involve you in their life?
What do you call someone who you cry for in bed everytime you think about them?
What do you call someone who did not realise your tears are struggling hard while they are smiling?
What do you call someone that you cant live without but you seem to be loosing them day by day...

What do you call yourself that knows no matter how hurt it will be,
you would still cry for them in bed thinking bout them,
you would still smile for them even your heart is shattered,
and you would still love them, the most, even if they dont...


Saturday, August 20, 2011
It just so happens that i went to a friend's house and played some piano keys of hers. It felt amazing when i roughly understand the concept of playing. The notes the synchronisation the fingertips and the music....oh The Great Piano. I'm forever jealous of how people could play it so well...as the rhythm dances into the air, catching every space in one's ear and drive urge so crazily to play them with your bare fingers! Dad used to say how regret he felt everytime the piano sounds, regret of not having the money for me to learn when i was young. Same goes till now though, despite the fact we are no longer young and free. But at least, i still have a little instinct on guitars.:) There were some days where i always dreamed to have my own music band, it would be the most AWESOME thing ever!:D Well, dreams could come true am i right? The only thing is the consistency of passion towards these instruments and music. Yesterday i touched a piano, and today i'm playing a virtual piano online. Talk about enthusiastic.x) But how long could it last? Falling in love with something doesn't vanish just like that i perhaps, i hope so it won't.:)

May i say dear grace Piano, i love you.:)
And to dear handsome Guitar, you rock.;)

Dreams may still go on. ;)

Maybe perhaps...

Sunday, August 14, 2011
and just perhaps,
things between us will go different.


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Sometimes life gets really confused. You want but you dont want at the same time.

Okay, by stating it in words made me even confused. How do you distinguish them again? Do i want or do i dont want? Or do i want it? Or not?

Stop stop stop. Er, okay, what bout we just breathe and go with the flow? I know it may not sound as easy as it looks, but hey, i realised that as time passed, things just weren't that confused anymore when you recall it back. Life was meant to be simple and happy. Why ruin it?

People just have to constantly remind themselves bout that, people like me.


Thursday, August 11, 2011
Sometimes we work so hard to blend in and please people around us, yet not knowing they eventually tear us down bit by bit from the inside. It wasn't nice in any way at all when things didn't seem to work out as you wanted. And now when we want our hearts deserve better, we chosed not be step back into the same situation, but only then we realise wounds were never cured instead they gone even deeper into our veins.

So, both decisions hurts as much huh? Timing timing timing, it was all because of that i'm standing where i am now. Here is where apprehension comes in and bang me in the head. I just dont want any of these to happen again in the future. Despite the fact that it is starting to happen through social network already and some same people are going to appear in my future as well. Gheese.

Am i that easily defeated in such skills? I dont really think so you damn it!!! TIMING, yea it must be the solution. Believe in yourself ;) and i believe in YOU.

chyng the menicurist :D


Thursday, August 4, 2011

It's funny when sometimes, u just don't know who to go to when u have something to say. U want to believe so badly that you're never alone. But it was only lie hidden beneath believing. People just dont put u in their lives.:/