Gua Tempurung

Thursday, March 10, 2011
There will be inspection for today's class so i guess i wont be here for long.

Went to Gua Tempurung last Sunday. IT WAS FREAKING AWESOME I TELL YOU!!! Da beauty of nature touched me wholesomely from the inside out. Its was amazing. So now i sort of hate any kind of marble or stone tiles...its lyk, how could u remove such wonderful stones from da cave are u sane or what??!?? Yup, thats my level of nature-loving.;) Did you know that it tooks 600 to 1000+++ years for a stalactite to grow ONLY 0.5 inches?? Do you know how precious is that?? Gua Tempurung is already 250 million years old, incredible huh?:)

It is only like less than 15 minutes drive form my campus to da cave, very near indeed.:) And we took da most extreme package that they called the Grand Tour. TRUST ME, u'll never regret taking this tour even though it takes almost 4 hours for u to complete it. U wont even feel that its 4 hours! Really! We climb we slide we crawl in waters n we had lotsa fun. Especially da water part, if u dont come out entirely wet from head to toe no one would trust that u went in haha. Too bad that we cant bring our handphones into da cave, one is cause lecturers dont allow and another is u'll find ur phone dead since we're walking and crawling through rivers. So yeah we didnt took any photos in da cave at all...all that amazed us shall just remain in our heart and mind. Next trip, im so gonna bring a waterproof camera!! Yup, i would really like to explore da cave again!:) One thing is u must hav a torch with u cause theres this 1km journey where theres no light at all, total darkness, u cant even see ur own palm in front of ur face. But no worries, there will be a guide ranger, else we all would certainly got lost. Our Abang ranger, yeah hes cool, by da fact that he splashed us water with his shoes and hide in behind stones to freak us out, except for da part that he told us about da 5 families that lived in there.......errr ekhem haha. Overally, i wanna cry cause its so so so magnificent! HAHA.

N of course, most of all, where is all da fun and laughters without great friends around m i right?:) Im so so so gonna miss here. I find how friends is so precious to lighten n colour every of ur day. U guys rock. LOVE YA!

Its jiayee birthday this saturday and we're going out for our last outing. This 2 days we spent lots of time to make her a 'window' birthday card, hope she'll hav a wonderful birthday with us. LOVE YOU AH YEE!!! muakssss!

nature lover
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Thursdays with chyng

Thursday, March 3, 2011
I actually stole the idea of my entry title from mitch albom's book haha.

First of ALL, HAPPY BIRTHDAY YING!!!! Being unable to be at ur side on this day kinda tears my heart. Hope u had a wonderful birthday ya. 19 jor lur, time to be matured n hope everything goes well for u. Only last 2 days i flipped our book n awwww i serioulsy miss u gals! Hug :)

Things are getting really better around here. I noe where i belong to, i noe what makes me happy and i learned that there are certain stuff that doesnt need much of our sourings. Its only one month plus left n im so gonna miss matrics life!!!

Last 2 weeks was Bukit Larut, n this week, its Gua Tempurung time!!! Now i freaking love my koko club hehe. Looking forward for extremes n fun there this weekend. Its just kinda cool that u get to go different different places near ur campus, its lyk having vacation n study at da same time. Love it!

I think im too relax this few days after having 2 full busy weeks. Dont take everything for granted chyng, see what u get for ur accounting quiz??? B??? Tisk tisk, time to keep back da study momentum ;)

p/s: HAPPY MARCH!!!!

ahh chyng
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