Too far?

Saturday, March 20, 2010
Went to mum's fren's baby's full moon day today. Aww shes juz so so so cute!!!;3 N there comes some other frens bringing their babies along. N i tink kids they r catching da spotlight alot haha. I wonder...hw wud it b if its my turn? Seeing my frens bringing their husband or wife along n together with their babies...oh my@@ Tats hard to imagine. Its lyk, so...OLD! I dunna wanna grow up so fast man...or maybe no babies rite my dear?XD Bt i do hope my good frens around will hav their baby for me to play with hahaha.

Oh my, stop, im thinking too far. ;3

chyng ;3
20/3 21:03


jean said...

is reli TOO FAR chyngXD

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