
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
I had a cat fight with my bro juz because of a piece of choc. N its a piece of choc tat ying gave me! Hw dare him... I noe theres no name on it n what a shame, i only realise tat its my choc after he had a bite! Worst is i actually forgot to eat it, hw blind m i to miss it after opening da frige for over hundred times? Anyhw i still want tat bite back!!! Arh...At least i get to eat half of ur choc ying wahahaha... My bro said he cant believe i begged him lyk a baby for da choc in his hand. Shish u dont noe wat is a "fren's gift".=)

Tmr will be yoga class again. I did so badly on monday, sigh. It was so awful i cn call it 'awfulga' instead of yoga. I felt lyk im goin to faint tru out da class man. Aduiii. Izit my breathing or izit my one hour earlier dinner? I admit i did ate my dinner rather late. Hopefully tmr will be better, at least normal will do. N up til nw i stil cant get my breathing right, its hardd. When will i get to be a dinosaur?

N tmr will also be my 2nd day of driving lesson. No particular feelings for tmr. Im juz lazy to wake up so early....aaaaAAA too bad for my beauty sleep. Oh n anyway, im officially a stray cat nw, jobless. Yay! :D (bt booo for my $$$, i havent change my specs!:( ) At least i havent gt da feeling of growing mushrooms staying at home yet, theres too much to think about, sigh. Bless me god...

18/3 00:13


yin yin said...

haha,chyng..sayang sayang~~~
i reserved 2 choc for u n ling d~wakakaka
cant imagine the day chyng bcum a dinasour @.@
scary man~~~
haha,wish chyng best of luck while mati enjin =p

luv ying,muacksss

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