yup ;)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Yup, a warm gathering is just prefect for us to keep in touch. I love it.

28/7 11:38


Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Woke up at almost 1pm today. No wonder dad says i dont even have enough time to sleep when im home. 2 months of waking up early in college doesnt cure my pigness huh? haha. N great, i had apple for brunch.

Rmb da last time when i said i wanna go on diet to slim down my fleshy face? Yeah i juz remembered it when i read it back haha, yup it didnt go well on that. I just kept eating n eating. Well, i come up with a new plan already, hopefully it will go on at least one month.

Those arent the things u want to know huh, yeah i noe. Cause im not sure how to write in words either. N again, life is about making choice. Choice cant be left undecided. But theres one thing for sure, no matter what happens, i stil hav my bestest friends supporting me n hold me back when im not okay. It suddenly felt lyk thats all what matter to me. What happen to u chyng? Its just not da right time to have my future all set up... Its not da time yet to make a choice of a lifetime. Someone else did that, yeah bt i cant. I dont have da guts n u can call me chicken. Im sorry, for being innocent at da vy first beginning... Memories memories memories... Im not regret, n im goin to treasure all of it as part of my wonderful life.

N for now, i want to thank a friend for inspiring me. Why do i need to care so much about other people? Whats important is what i felt n thats it! It was such a simple theory n yet i only realise it now. Well, now is better then never. A simple inspiration can change so much within...

Everyone grow up by learning rite? This time, no more mistakes. Yet, i still believe in fate.;)

(u're right, i kept spinning n spinning without conclusion.)


Sunday, July 25, 2010
Please make it be different... Its da only way to save me from drowning in this confusion. I want u to be my motivation n inspiration, to live a better live.

I believe in fate, bt choices are always in our hands... Maybe its time to free myself from sins...




Wednesday, July 21, 2010
A passage full of tears....

I seriously seriously dont noe wat to do...oh god im a sinner...T.T wao, its harder than i tink to express in words. Evry single word here is sin, my sins. I dont even noe how to start.

Im desperate for a good future, im desperately desperate. Im worried that u cant give me that future n in fact i tink u cant. That is so basically da main point! I want so much more im greedy. Im afraid to admit that u're my bf n worse i tell that u r my ex n some how it sound right to me. Ugh chyng u r a monster TT. Tell me what to do...
